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Everything posted by seaotterFTW

  1. Salut à tous ! Contente de trouver une présence française sur le forum Je suis toute nouvelle à KSP, je suis encore dans la période découverte, mais il me tarde de pouvoir en discuter avec tous le monde !
  2. Thanks for all the tips ! As of now, I just spent the weekend learning about construction, and trying out some things. I feel like I'm gonna spend a lot of hours playing that game haha
  3. Thanks from the warm welcome everyone ! I'm gonna go check out the tutorial section (as well as the french-language subforum ). Thank you for complimenting my english ! I lived in England for a year a couple of years ago
  4. Hi everyone ! I'm Mel and I'm from France where I'm in law school. I have been fascinated about space and video games so naturally, I bought Kerbal a few weeks ago and i'm finally getting around to really play it seriously ! And I'm sure this forum will be very useful, I have been playing around in the game and I love the fact that it's actually pretty detailed and you have to really think about everything you're doing. Anyway, if you guys have any advice for a beginner, I would love to hear them Thanks !
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