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Vlad Lastname

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Everything posted by Vlad Lastname

  1. Great, thanks. I was sure there is such a tool, but didn't manage to find it However, it uses filelists for pruning. There is a bunch of lists out-of-box, but to make new ones you still need to find exact filepaths for parts. I also found PartManager plugin for CKAN. It suits better for me. (author of the plugin disappeared, current version of plugin is on the second page of topic).
  2. I'm using RealismOverhaul mode with Realistic Progression addon which marks quite a lot of parts as non-ro (not supported by mod). I would like to delete them to reduce memory consumption. I also found that when a lot of mods installed, some parts become unnecessary because of mods overlapping. For example, Procedural Fuel Tank (from RealFuel mod, I guess) makes most other tanks needless. I want to remove them too. The problem is it's time-consuming and boring to browse GameData by my own, looking for parts that I don't need. So basically what I need is a mod or external tool for convenient deleting parts from the game. For example, mod which will allow to delete parts from VAB/SPH interface.
  3. Have the same problem here. The last version available in CKAN is v25.1 and CKAN tries to get it at https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/releases/download/v25.1/SXT25pre.zip but this version seams to be archived so the URL is https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/archive/v25.1.zip now. v25.2 isn't available in CKAN (tried to update repos few times).
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