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Everything posted by mcinco

  1. I have landed a better suited rover and began constructing and have notived the same thing. The brake light will not be on, but the rover will not move until the brakes are toggled. Now I know though.
  2. I feel so stupid, somehow the brakes were switched back on after docking?
  3. OK, so I have played KSP for quite some time and I finally decided that I was going to attempt making a Mun base. Long story short, I have landed a rover (ugly as hell, just trying to experiment) and another module craft, I got them to dock but now while docked the rover no longer will move (the wheels don't spin at all) however, when I try to turn, the wheels will pivot left and right. I have tried everything I can think of but am not sure what I am doing wrong. It is hard to tell from the image, but the rover utilizes a "forklift" type of design with landing gear on the end of the platform to raise and lower it.
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