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Everything posted by ccik

  1. I had this mod installed the first time it was released, and just started playing KSP again today after more then a year. Browsing down the mod list, i remembered i had this installed before, and loved it back then.
  2. And now i feel like an idiot. Thanks for your help
  3. Hello, i seem to experience the same issue SERPENTINE descriped two pages back. Here is part of the log file: ERR 19:36:23.566] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SteamGauges': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SteamGauges.SteamGauges' from assembly 'SteamGauges, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. I tried to redownload the file, tried the alternate sources, but no luck so far. Other mods i have installed are only SCANSat and Mechjeb, both with their newest versions. Did anybody face this issue before, or has some other solution? Thanks for you help.
  4. Try to mount your nosegear lower than the main gears. So that when you are sitting on the runway, the nose points slightly upwards. Or mount the wings with the leading edge slightly higher than the trailling edge. With this configuration you ensure that your nosewheel lifts of first. If your planes are perfectly straight, or perfectly level, it could be that your main gears lift off first. Now you only need a small momentum, one main gear lifts off, the other one stays on the ground, and you go off the runway. If you already do this, than disregard my post and get more struts.
  5. Sometimes the fuel lines attach to a port other then the one you intented. This happens if there some part "in the way". I had this happen to me a couple of times before. Look at the fuel line running from south to west. If it is connected to the engine rather than the tank, Fuel from the south tank is consumed by engines south and west, The fuel from the north tank is consumed by engines from the north, east and center engine.
  6. With your current tech level, it is definitivly possible to send one Kerbal to Duna and bring him back. I used this vehicle: with this tech tree for a Duna mission:
  7. I just did a manned trip with 1 Kerbal to Duna and returned. I tried some new stuff with this vessel. For example i ditched one of the Engines used for the initial ascend as soon as i was in orbit, but kept the full fuel tanks, and just used the slightly more efficient lander engines for interplanetary travel. As soon as these tanks were empty, i got rid of them. It is hard to see in the images, but basically i used a normal asparagus staging for the middle stages. As soon as the last to "siderows" of tanks was empty, i decoupled them together with the eninge underneat the central fuel stack, and just kept the tanks to "pull" them with the lander. Later i separated these as well. I also had to rely heavily on aerobraking at Duna and back on Kerbin. But in the end i just got back with barely enough fuel to fire up the engines shortly before touch-down to soften the landing a litte bit. Unfortunally i didn't do any screenshots while the mission was underway. Here is the ship in the VAB: It is build with this advancement in the tech tree: And got me back 847 Science from the Mission, not including a couple of experiments i relayed back.:
  8. The throttle setting and speed for the loop is up to you, to figure out the best performance. But very nice results, now i have to build something new
  9. Hello, While testing new spaceplanes, i thought about manoeuvrability of these planes, and how you could compare these for different aircraft. Also i wanted to know what is possible, and how good my own construction is. So i came up with this challenge: Build a spaceplane with the smallest possible turnradius and the highest turnrate. To test your designs, do the following: For the turnradius, just perform a Looping. Start in level flight with speed and altitude of your choice. Note that for all of the following, the velocity vector (The yellow circle on the navball representing where you are going) is the reference. So start with your velocity vetor on the horizon, then perfom a loop, taking three screenshots. One when you are starting the loop, with the yellow circle at the horizon. One when you are at the top, and one when you are level again. From these screenshots, you can read out your altitude at the bottom of the loop, then at the top, and at the bottom again. The difference from these altitudes should be double your radius, so take the smallest one, divide it by 2, and you got your turnradius. For the turnrate, start again with your plane straight and level, and do a 360-degree turn. To get good and comparable results, it is important that you maintain altitude and speed approximatly the same (+/- 500 m; +/- 20m/s should be close enough), so that you can read out your sustainable turn rate. Again, take three screenshots, one at the start, one half way through, and one at the and. Then compare you MET's, and take the time it took for your craft to make the turn. Divide 360 by your time, and you got your turnrate in degrees per second. Please post the two screenshots you used for your half loop in the radius-test, and the three screenshots of your rate-test, so that we all can confirm your performance If someone can think of a better way to measure the results, feel free to post your idea of this way. I will make a leaderboard for all of your entries in each category, and then think of a way to combine these into a ranking for both rate and radius. Here are my own results: Turn radius: I started at 1132m, the top of my loop was at 1562, and stopped at 888m. My smallest diameter from the start to the top was 430m, so my radius was 215m Turn rate i started with a heading of 180° at 2:36 MET, finished at 180° at 2:56 MET, so that makes 20 seconds. My speed increased roughly 7m/s, my altitude increades about 200m, so both in the ballpark. 360/20 gives me a turn rate of 18°/s So my results in short: 18°/s turn rate 215 m turn radius
  10. Hello, I want to share my new craft, a VTO-Orbiter. As you can see in the Screenshots, the craft is build in the spaceplane hangar and launched from the runway. The first stage engages the 8 Atmospheric engines, while the second stage fires 8 solid boosters, which are enough to lift the craft into the air. It is possible to take-off pure vertically, but i suggest getting a little bit of forward velocity for better stability. Once airborne, the craft very stable, as long as you don\'t enter oscillations. In that case, it is likely that one wing will break off. For jettisoning the boosters you got 2 options: Dropping them when they are burned out, with a huge possibility for them to hit the craft and destroy it, or jettison them before they burn out, so that they eject upwards and are out of the way. I suggest the 2nd option, although it comes with the remote possibility of the boosters hitting each other and destroying the craft in the process. In case something unexpected happens, there is alway the possiblity to disconnect the cockpit and let it descent on a parachute to save your Kerbals, which works sometimes. After that, it will fly like a plane, can accelerate with over 70° of climb and has some maneuverabilty. For orbit, just go to 75° climb and hold it there. In the lower atmosphere it is best to leave the ASAS off. Once you are about 14-16k high, fire up the rocket engine, get a almost vertical climb going, disable the air breathing engines, and you are good to go for an orbit. I got into an 500*500km orbit with a little more than 7 fuel tanks, leaving me with almost 3 tanks for deorbiting. Reentry can be a bit tricky, but if you got the craft to stop spinning, it is actually able to land. Please feel free to comment, suggest improvements, download and edit the craft.
  11. Hello, I\'m fairly new to this game, but enjoy it very much. After playing around a little, i set myself the goal to reach the mun, land, and return safely to Kerbin with my own design and only stock parts. After achieving my goal i started improving my design to improve it in a couple of aspects. Now i want to present my craft to the community to see what others think about my design. So i present, the 'Daedalus' : The Daedalus is a 5-Stage Munar Craft, easy to maneuver (for me at least), has a lot of fuel for orbit adjustments, can land on the mun on rough surfaces and even slide on the surface and is also capable of limited maneuvering during reentry and landing phase back on Kerbin. I\'m now describing the stages a little in detail. Stage 1: Get this rocket in the Air Seconds after Liftoff Stage 1 consists of 16 SRB\'s, radially mounted around the later stage 2. Also adding Propulsion to this stage are the 8 Liquid Engines from Stage 2, which are powered up simultaneously with the SRB\'s. The Deadalus seems a little unstable with slight pitching and rolling tendencies during liftoff, but these motions are easily overcome by the ASAS module of the 4th Stage with help from the movable winglets of the later stages. As soon as the airspeed increases, stability is also improved, the ASAS will handle the rest. 2 Boosters are coupled together, and leave the craft as one piece, descending on two parachutes to be reused. Stage 2: Punch through the lower atmosphere: Separation of Stage 1 The main components of Stage 2 are 8 LV-T30 liquid fuel engines. These 8 engines are mounted radially around the 3rd stage. Fuel is provided by 24 liquid fuel tanks, 3 for each engine. Although speed is decreasing after separation of the SRB\'s, the Stage is not underpowered, and speed will gradually increase. Stage 3: Getting into Orbit: The 3rd stage consist again of LV-T30 engines, 4 this time. Main task of this stage is to achieve a stable orbit around Kerbin. Each engine gets fuel from 4 Tanks, making a total of 16 Tanks in this Stage. For stability, 4 R8 Winglets are added to this stage, which help to keep the craft under control while in the atmoshpere. These winglets will be decoupled with the engines later, as they wont be needed anymore when in Space. This stage tends to get a little bit unstable around 35km height, where the winglets are not very effective anymore, while the craft is still to heavy to be maneuvered with RCS. One trick to let this help you is to wait with the pitch over until this altitude, then just deactivate ASAS, give the craft a small kick with the RCS thrusters, and it will smoothly start to pich over. This stage has enought fuel to get you to a stable orbit, and has even a little bit of fuel for adjustments, depending how much fuel was used for the inital orbit. Stage 4: Orbit adjustment and getting to Mun: Leaving the parts of stage 3 in orbit, it\'s time to prepare for TMI Stage 4 is the main stage for orbit adjustments, and for getting to the mun. It consist of one LV-T45 thrust vectoring engine, 4 fuel tanks, 2 RCS fuel tanks, 4 RCS thrusters and the ASAS module. The 4 tanks should hold enough fuel for making it to the mun, adjusting orbit to find a nice landing spot, and for breaking the initial descent. Maneuvering with this stage is fairly easy with the 4 RCS thrusters in this stage and the additional 16 thrusters of the later stages. Depending on how much you alter your orbit with this stage, it is possible that you have to jettison this stage right before landing on the mun with fuel still remaining. In any case this stage should not be jettisoned until empty or a couple hundred meters above the muns surface, so save some fuel for the way back. Stage 5: Munal landing and return: Landing on the dark side of mun in rough terrain Parts of the final stage are on LV-T45 engine, 3 fuel tanks, one RCS tank, 16 RCS thrusters and 6 R8 Winglets. Landing with this stage should be fairly easy. Use the thrust vectoring for control on the way down, to safe some RCS fuel. 16 RCS thrusters seems like overdoing it, but you\'ll find out that any side movement can be easily controlled with RCS. Just control the attitude to point straight up, engage the SAS from the Command capsule, and them modulate descend grade with the engine, and sidemovement with the RCS. This can easily be done by steering the green velocity vector on your attitude indicator with RCS to the center. Touchdown shoud be smooth, with SAS and RCS helping to prevent the stage from tipping over. The 6 Winglets as lander legs should provide good stability even in rough terrain. Test showed that at a sliding speed of more than 1.3 m/s one of the winglets will break off, but the stage will still be stable on the ground. An immediate lift-off is possible with full power, should something go wrong. After your landing, you should have plenty of fuel for orbiting the moon, and making the way back. Orbit can also be controlled with RCS. The two tanks mounted to the side can be jettisoned when empty For reentry on kerbin I tested to options: Forwards or backwards. I always try to get as close to launch side for landing as possible. You should enter the atmosphere backwards to reduce G-Forces on the crew. Set your predicted impact point long of your landing target, prior to overflight throttle up to max thrust, and when almost overhead your target, detach the command capsule, deploy the chute and splash down in your intendet landing area. It is also possible to turn around the craft while reentering. While flying forward, you have limited maneuverability with the 6 Winglets to adjust your landing area. However, control in this gliding stage prooved difficult, so my prefered method is to enter backwards. After detaching the command module, deploy the chute, and the kerbonauts are back safely. You can alter the craft in a couple of ways, like removing to of the tanks from the last stage, and add one RCS tank instead. In this configuration, you will arrive with more fuel at mun, but you have to be careful with your fuel on your way back, altering orbits with RCS and use the atmosphere to get back to Kerbin. Feel free to use the Craft, alter it in any way, and response with your opinions.
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