Ok, so where I really need help here is with my landing gear, which has completely bugged out on me. Ever since a few weeks ago, landing gear in every capacity has completely stopped working for me. Obviously, I have found ways around that (notice the setup I constructed for this Duna landing) but this is merely a temporary solution. HERE IS THE PROBLEM: I have lost the ability to interact with all types of landing gear (keep in mind I'm mostly using micro landing struts, LT-1s and LT-2s - not really building anything with wheels right now) When I say interact, I am talking about both in the VAB and during flight. In the VAB, when I try to right click and manually extend the landing gear, nothing happens. I don't even get the mini-menu/dialog box to pop up with the options "Extend" or "Lock" ... NOTHING! That's fine or whatever but what kills me is that I cannot manipulate them in flight either. I try to right click them and manually extend and not a damn thing happens. It basically treats it like whatever part I am trying to click on just doesn't exist. It's so strange - this only happens with landing gear. Everything else in the game is working as expected. Oh yeah, and obviously I tried using the "G" hotkey to extend the landing gear and that failed to do anything as well. It's weird though - when I press G, it toggles the display indicator for my landing gear as normal, but nothing happens. My brakes and lights work just fine too. This is driving my insane. I am posting to the KSP subreddit today too but I was wondering if one of you kind souls could help me out. Thanks!