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  1. This is a 2-star contract for what it's worth. But I got it to work by adjusting both the inclination and the semi-major axis. Thanks everyone!
  2. Interesting idea. Here is the target orbit: name = SpecificOrbitParameter state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 TargetBody = 2 deviationWindow = 5 orbitType = 2 inclination = 90 eccentricity = 0.399937051572763 sma = 367816.15871336 lan = 141.426403215819 argumentOfPeriapsis = 220.091448305217 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.35221092499006 epoch = 0 Here is the orbit for my satellite: SMA = 367048.685465159 ECC = 0.401704947391939 INC = 90.1174354445312 LPE = 220.631314846 LAN = 141.38853821622 MNA = 6.20989001870143 EPH = 3832284.15006641 REF = 2 Yep. All the boxes are checked except the one for getting in the correct orbit (see top-right of the screenshot) I posted the exact numbers above. Does the game give any feedback about the tolerance? If not, that's horribly designed.
  3. (Before anyone comments, I am orbiting in the correct direction!) I've got a mission to put a satellite into an eccentric polar orbit around the Mun. I've matched the orbit pretty well (far better than has been needed for other contracts). However, the contract just won't complete. Before I complete it with ctrl+alt+f12, can someone tell what might be going wrong? Pictures:
  4. That ought to be covered by angle of inclination, which seems to still work fine. 0° is prograde and 180° is retrograde if it works like they do it in real life.
  5. Yeah, that's definitely the issue. These are equatorial orbits with the argument of periapsis and longitude of ascending node undefined. I'd rather avoid using the debug menu. Are those three things all the game cares about? One of these orbits is very eccentric (e = 0.7), so I'd be concerned about which way it's "pointing" and it does not appear to give that info in the contract parameters.
  6. I have taken and completed several contracts to put satellites into various orbits around Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus. However, two of the contracts I've taken - one around Kerbin and the other around the Mun - do not show me the target orbit in the map view. Plenty of others have done that, but these two don't for some reason. Am I missing some way of forcing these to display, or is this a bug? Thanks!
  7. I took one of those painfully specific part-testing contracts (Use part X at altitude Y and speed Z), but I'm having a lot of trouble fulfilling it since I don't seem to understand what speed they're looking for. I just assumed that it was the speed listed above the navball since that's the easiest to read, but that seems to not be what they're looking for.
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