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  1. I'm going to try and reinstall the game. Maybe there's an corruption that steam doesn't detect and I still got the save on dropbox. I will return with a new post if there isn't a new reply, else I will edit this one if it got fixed or not. ------------- Reinstall didn't work. But something new popped up on the contract after reinstalling. Here it is.
  2. Here's the dropbox link as requested. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f1qv53w2rbg1vhc/AADc6jmHIQDfZFH0GpVhyscna?dl=0 So far I could see in the logs, I got E is NaN in the beginning of the game, when the contract wasn't there yet. As for in-game, not a single image has shown E is NaN.
  3. It happens in the other saves as well. integrity of game cache validated all nominal. As for F4, it hasn't to do anything with it, tested and I just accepted 2 orbit contracts. Only 1 has shown up, but has already been completed when that screenshot was taken. I actually hoped it would update the orbits.
  4. So I started a new game, unmodded of course. Wanted to farm money by sending out probes, but I am missing the orbit goal I need to get to. To make things more clear, I made a screenshot from the tracking station and the contract. Restarting the game doesn't fix it somehow, and I have no clue if there are other ways without having to modify the files. Kind Regards, ICheesef3v3r
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