What this mod does is:
Buy tech nodes for cash
Nodes in the research tree will now cost funds instead of science. Any science spent is refunded when you leave the R&D building.
Get cash for science
Turn science into cash at the click of a button
Daily budget
Every day at 4am you receive cash according to your reputation level. Use the "Warp to next morning" button if that node is just a few bucks away.
Let you configure all the above
Click the "$" button to change the multipliers for all of the above, values are saved with your save game
But Why?
Career mode for me just seems to be motivated only by science, and most can agree it's a bit of a grind unlocking the tree. Making this easy change using the plugin system allowed me to play the game with a slightly different outlook, and combined with other mods you are able to progress the game using contracts or funds from your production/mining empire. The reputation budget is just another way to reduce grind, go ahead and time accelerate that engine tech upgrade if you need to.
[Download from Github]
(Also available on CKAN)
Compatible with:
Kerbal Construction Time
Real Solar System (24 hour budget cycle)
Recommended Mods for a Cash-Based Career Mode:
Contract packs, all of them
Karbonite+ (Find Karborundum for much $$)
Kerbin-Side + Supplements (for more profitable opportunities on Kerbin)
This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
This mod is under MIT license, feel free to look at the source code: https://github.com/a-stat/kspcasher/