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  1. http://imgur.com/aA6Y7la this is one of the stations the other is very similiar but without the tri coupler and just a single tank up front, I removed the front tank as i thought that was a big issue. I know its not a great design so go easy on me lol, but what is my catastrophic failure? if locking the gimbal is not a normal solution.
  2. I'll post a screenshot in a bit but after some reading on other threads I tried locking the gimbal and it stayed fairly true, just a little to the left or right of where I wanted and when I would correct it responded, I don't know if that's a common practice for large ships in space but it helped a ton.
  3. So I've built a science ship that I was planning on taking to duna after knocking out kerbins muns.I built it in orbit with two modules, it was fairly easy but I cannot steer the completed ship for the life of me. I even downloaded KAS so as I could see if it was the wobble that was getting me, but it wasn't and now I dont know what to do. Every time I accelerate the ship starts spinning everywere. also ive made sure that the other engines are off, and I went through and tried all kinds of combinations of which reaction wheels should be on so those cant be the problem. It does have the prograde and retrograde marker backwards dont know if thats related, anyways I've now built two different designs and have the massive very expensive ships in LKO but am unable to take them anywhere at all. I can give the design if needed but it really simple, its just a poodle with a rocko x200-32 then some expirements and I've got the lander ready to attach but I really want to figure out how to steer the damn thing. any help is appreciated.
  4. allright i know this is asked a million times, and i've read all the answers. i get it start with 1.5 TWR on the pad, go till 50 m/s and make 5 degree turn then follow the prograde till orbit. I follow that and still i can't get into orbit. ive got one flt-400 with a terrier as my 3rd stage, three f-400 with a swivel, and two Hammers, around 4000 delta v so its gotta be me. I've been playing for 78 hours on this game and i only get into orbit 1/45 trys. I havent even made it to the moon yet lol, wth do i need to do?
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