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  1. On the invisible, bugged ship issue: Here\'s a persistent.sfs with two vessels, one bugged, one not and the whole kit from my last sync with kessler.
  2. Like the condor, this plane is large, ugly and (sometimes) flies. Required Addons: [li]Mechjeb[/li] [li]Romfarer_LazorSystem[/li] Tips for getting off the ground: [li]Full speed ahead[/li] [li]The runway is not enough! Pull up gently at the end to float on to the grass.[/li] [li]Pull up hard once on the grass[/li] [li]You should lift off before hitting the water. If at first you don\'t succeed, try try again![/li] [li]Do not use Mechjeb or the Lazor Guided Flight until airborne. They WILL end you, and all that you love.[/li] Once in the air it\'s stable on all but the pitch axis, requiring a lot of up elevator to keep and gain altitude. Hopefully I can correct that later with some rebalancing of parts. I\'ve been able to fly it around KSP easily, and it has the range to make it past the ocean and past the landmass east of KSP before running out of fuel.
  3. Handles nicely with SAS on. It can get a bit hairy without it, but I haven\'t managed to crash yet. Nice work!
  4. Yes, it still works with 0.15. I just tested it on my server. Sorry if it\'s been timing out on folks. It needs a restart every once in awhile and I forget.
  5. You really need to use Google. I\'ll give you a hint. Ready? Windows firewall allow outbound connections
  6. I tried this out, and it\'ll work for a Minmus mission as well.
  7. There\'s a post on the shovsoft forums by the developer stating exactly that, and includes a batch file to install/remove the setting as needed.
  8. Ran across Lunar Flight last night, it\'s a fun little distraction from KSP. Apparently it\'s also done in the Unity engine. Thought I\'d post and let folks know it\'s on sale for $2.50 through the 25th. Game review I found on the YouTubes:
  9. Not sure if you checked it, but you do need to be sure you\'re using the correct type of rendezvous, ship Pe or ship Ap versus target Ap/Pe, etc. It makes a lot of difference in getting the DToR to a correct value. If you raise your AP to let the ship your going to rendezvous with catch up, you\'d select ship periapsis for your meeting, and apoapsis if you lowered your Pe to catch up.
  10. Might be a good idea. It\'s getting near an actual Kessler predicted disaster on my server. Although time may not be the only factor, perhaps lack of fuel, so all those stranded crews can 'move on'?
  11. I decided I needed to try this out, but I\'m not expert enough on the controls to get it back with such a tight fuel budget. So I stuck a MechJeb pod on the side and went to work. I didn\'t know if it would work, so I only got pictures of the re-entry and landing. During the return I noticed I was only 30km or so from being able to land at KSC, so I had it set up the landing. Ran out of fuel at 10 meters, dropping to a nice, safe landing. Thanks for sharing your .craft, it\'s been a lot of fun!
  12. The issue is very easy to solve. Since none of the parts are balanced yet, it\'s not cheating to go in the part.cfg and edit the ejection force to 500-1000. This should give you plenty of clearance.
  13. Which way does the staging go? Is stage 1 at the bottom or top of the rocket?
  14. Still trying to figure this one out. The part is in the Parts directory, and it encounters an error while loading. AddComponent requested: RendezMe NOT FOUND! The RendezMe.dll is in the plugins folder. Where is it expecting to find the file if not there? The log doesn\'t give any hints as to where it looked. Full part loading log: loading binary model from C:/Users/Jake/Dropbox/KSP_win/KSP_Data\../Parts\RendezMe/mesh/mesh2.msh loading binary model from C:/Users/Jake/Dropbox/KSP_win/KSP_Data\../Parts\RendezMe/mesh/mesh3.msh loading tangents for collider... expect 132 tangents loading tangents for RCS_fueltank... expect 1140 tangents tangents done . Cfg Parsing... AddComponent requested: RendezMe NOT FOUND! added node_stack_top at 0.0, 4.64624, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 added node_stack_bottom at 0.0, 0.23193, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 Part attachRules: AttachRules Part mass: 0.1 Part dragModelType: default Part maximum_drag: 0.2 Part minimum_drag: 0.2 Part angularDrag: 2 Part crashTolerance: 12 Part maxTemp: 2900 . icon size: (1.0, 0.5, 1.0) icon center: (0.0, 0.3, 0.0) Done!>> rendezme1 >>
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