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  1. Had a bit of a derp moment there, as I was thinking strictly of rockets where you are just flying straight up. I guess that does make this "challenge" mildly more possible haha.
  2. Wait, can you post images or the craft file? I might be wrong but I thought the TWR ratio was relative to the surface gravity and thus you need it to be greater than 1 just to lift off - i.e. a TWR of 1 means the thrust is equal to the gravity, and anything at 1 or below == no liftoff.
  3. At this point, I'm pretty sure he is. Though, you only saw the math come out before I'm not a skilled enough designer to think of some ingenious creation that would make this work....and also because my patience ran out when my FPS dropped to 3 lol.
  4. Thanks! Though I did say at the end that I realize my math was assuming you were building an SSTO Also, I did sort of attempt your idea. Asparagus staging isn't "technically" possible, since mono-prop doesn't need fuel lines, but I did do something kinda similar. Mind you, I whipped this monstrosity up in 20 minutes....though, 15 of those minutes were trying to rearrange parts and deal with the intense lag. And speaking of the lag, I was getting about 3 FPS when flying this...and only got to 3,865m So if I gave myself more time, I might be able to complete this challenge. But seeing that there's not much part freedom (at least practically) and that it kills my FPS so much, I don't find it worth trying. But I am kind of interested in seeing OPs creation....
  5. By the sound of it, this is pretty much impossible. Now, my math might be off - so someone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Calculating how many large mono propellant tanks we'd need: Calculating how many Puff engines we'd need: So based on my math, you'd need 94 tanks of mono propellant and 545 Puff engines. And that's of course assuming you're building a SSTO - which, you'd kinda need to do as adding on any extra weight (by making an asparagus or onion rocket) would cause you to drastically increase the number of engines you'd need. I also realize that my math might be off. And I also realize that I shouldn't undermine the community's level of creativity. But by the sound of it....this is a pointless challenge....
  6. Probably because s/he said that they were scottish Also, an official welcome to the OP from another lurker who decided to sign up
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