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Posts posted by Duban

  1. After all, there's a reason they don't get used in real life!

    Because the earth has four times the escape velocity of Kerbin? For reference, a round trip to Tylo has comparable delta-V to a moonlanding IRL. That's why SSTOs have always worked in KSP. Not because of the physics.

    New aero is much easier, at least for me. It works intuitively. The 3 day old pea-soup psuedo physics always screwed me up because the planes never worked the way I was intuitively expecting them to, especially on re-entry.

    I've seen a number of complaints that the new aero and physics is "just broken". It isn't. The old aero and physics were broken, and people just got used to it. Now you actually have to use real designs and real maneuvers for space planes. No more just dropping into the atmosphere. You actually have to use techniques like S curving to slow down or you'll burn your ship up. You can't just go nose in, you actually need to angle up like the shuttle.

    Agreed. The new aerodynamics are incredible. I just glided a spaceplane onto the runway unpowered after missing my target. It's so much more intuitive and reliable.

  2. Ah, but let's look at it from the other direction. Liquid engines are generally 8x as heavy as real life, and fuel tanks have about four times the dry mass of real life. Solids, on the other hand...had the same dry mass as real life. So they were, by comparison, insanely OP.

    Gameplay trumps realism in video gaming. Realism is the worst argument you can use for balancing video games.

  3. You're being melodramatic. Ever played with FAR? You could practically make an SSTO with a command pod and an RT-10. You could almost leave Kerbin SOI with a just a S1 SRB. The parts needed a major nerf or they would have been stupid OP.

    We're not talking about the general nerf to all "parts" though. Everything was retweaked, but the SRBs in particular were nerfed far beyond that of anything else in the game. It wasn't just a tweak for SRBs. Think about this. A third less ISP, 50% heavier dry mass, and a third less fuel mass. That's a crazy nerf even with the atmospheric changes. You would literally have 50% more delta-V for the same fuel mass before these changes, but you still have a third less fuel to work with anyways

  4. SRBs were too powerful to the aero in career and sandbox so they applied some nerf bat on them

    Do you realize just how nerfed SRBs are now? The changes are. An ISP of 160 down from 225-240. 160! That’s literally 80s worse than RCS engines, and is exaggerated farther by the exponential growth of mass. A 50% heavier dry weight. A third less fuel mass down from 3.25 tons to 2.25 tons. And nearly double the cost going from 325 credits up to 580.

    We aren't talking about a few adjustments for the new meta. This is nerfed into oblivion changes. I can't recall a nerf this massive to ANYTHING in video gaming history.

  5. I started a new Career mode game. In the space center all of the buildings have the models of them being fully upgraded and right clicking on the building states that they are fully upgraded (no option to upgrade). The features are that of the tier one buildings though. I can only accept 2 contracts at a time, launch <18 ton rockets, and play as if I had tier 1 buildings. It's literally impossible to upgrade the buildings beyond their lowest levels. Creating a new career save does not help, and re-downloading the KSP client did not help either. Help, the game is unplayable like this.



  6. Back in 2012 ships would spin wildly out of control for no reason because of floating point errors, and randomly explode when switching out of the mapview. This was back before any sort of save/load feature was added so your entire mission would be lost when this happened. Also, for a while if a part exploded point 0 at the EXACT position of the it would cause a divide by 0 error that would crash KSP. I think they fixed it, but I'm not sure.

  7. Moho is the toughest. It's like Tylo, but without the Aerobrake assist from Jool

    An aerobrake assist from Jool or Laythe only saves ~2-300m/s over going straight to the planet from the edge of Jool's SOI. You'll probably spend that much more fuel or more getting an intercept anyways since it's a lot more difficult to intercept Tylo from a close orbit anyways. What most people fail to realize is that Tylo and Jool's massive gravity wells negate most of your initial momentum through the oberth effect.

  8. Has anyone had any luck creating a Mun Lander in 18t or less? I can get the fly-by. I can get an OKTO lander down. I can't get a manned mission down and back up again yet, not without EVA Thrusting.

    I keep coming up ~700 m/s short in my calculations on how to get in and out again. :huh:

    This is my kind of thread. I am a master when it comes to ultra-light designs. The trick is to create smaller, smarter, and more detailed landers. I could reduce their weight/cost even farther if I wanted to replace the capsules with rover chairs, but that's too cheaty for my tastes.

    3.8 ton round trip to the Mun: http://imgur.com/a/AUAyj


    4.61 ton round trip to Duna: http://imgur.com/a/5NSFg


    15,500 credit round trip to Bop and Polhttp://imgur.com/a/BI4TO


    19,300 credits round trip to Tylo (with help from reusable shuttle and lifter): http://imgur.com/a/M68qg


  9. If you're going fast enough, then Kerbin's gravity wasn't going to have much effect on your speed during the time you are in Mun's SoI (reflected by the small change in direction of Mun's velocity). I understand about using the Mun's orbital velocity to your advantage, I just don't see how patched conics saves you from Kerbin's gravity to any significant degree.

    There's never any reason to get a gravitational assist off the Mun. The oberth effect by burning in Kerbin's much larger gravity well is better than a weak slingshot manuever off the mun for reaching every body in the game. Gravitational assists off the Mun are a waste of time/fuel.

    Let me give a breakdown of the planets and why gravitational assists are/aren't useful on each.

    Moho- Performing a gravitational assist off Eve is the way to go with landing on Moho. The unpowered section of the gravitational slingshot will help match Moho's high inclination while Eve's immense gravity well will improve your rocket's efficiency (oberth effect) when reaching the inner solar system. This is by far the most useful and necessary slingshot in KSP.

    Eve/Gilly- Nothing to slingshot off of to reach. Eve is a useful body for reaching Moho though.

    Mun/Minmus- Again Kerbin's gravity is more useful for getting to other planets the Mun is. Gravitational slingshots off Mun/Minmus are a waste.

    Duna/Ike- Duna and Ike are too small and have orbits too similar to Kerbin's to be useful for gravitational slingshots. Kerbin's gravity is more useful than a Duna/Ike system slingshot.

    Dres- Is in a useful position for slingshots, but is too small to be worth bounching off of.

    Jool- Is more likely to hurl you out of the Kerbol system than send you anywhere useful. Its gravity might (in theory) be useful for matching Eeloo by performing a powered gravitational slingshot using its immense gravity (oberth effect). I haven't tried though.

    Laythe- Has a nice atmosphere for aerobraking off of which can be useful for matching a few other planets.

    Vall- Reaching Vall directly from Kerbin results in your ship blasting toward the planet at high velocity. Vall lacks Laythe's atmosphere for performing an aerbrake into, and doesn't have Tylo's immense gravity to cancel out your momentum from falling into Jool. Consider performing an aerobrake maneuver off Laythe, or a gravitational slingshot off Tylo to match Vall's orbit better before landing.

    Tylo- Tylo's gravity cancels out nearly all of your velocity on approach. You're best just going straight from Kerbin to Tylo here.

    Bop & Pol- Laythe/Tylo can be useful for getting into a closer orbit and losing all the velocity you have on approach to Jool.

    Eeloo- Nothings to really slingshot off of to reach and nowhere to go after sling-shotting off Eeloo.

  10. Tylo is my favorite planet because it's such a challenge to land on. I enjoy challenges, and for my YouTube channel I actually built a base on the surface of Tylo! I've also made an SSTO that can go to Tylo and back, but it uses a detachable lander for the actual descent to the surface.

    I'm surprised nobody else chose Tylo yet! It's even more lonely than Dres, it seems! It's also fun driving rovers around on Tylo because of its high gravity.

    I chose Tylo! I wonder who the third person that voted Tylo is. It's such an awesome planet with it's hellish 8m/s^2 gravity and 2km/s orbital velocity.

  11. Link: http://imgur.com/a/MMSoR

    No mods, tools, mechjeb, or other calculators were used in the execution of this mission. Everything was done 100% by eye and with lots of experience in KSP. This mission was accomplished in hard mode so all missions were completed in one attempt, and any mistakes are included as is.

    Ultimately the entire mission cost less than 12,000 credits while "Explore Laythe" paid out about 4-500,000 credits in return.

    I.P.I.S. .craft file- http://www./view/z51se4un00sp21y/Artanis_(I_P_I_S_).craft

    LCEV-3 Hydralisk .craft file- http://www./view/mw3ocgvwtox82ry/LCEV-3_Hydralisk.craft

    Edit: If you enjoyed this take 5 minutes to leave a message. I love reading comments and answering questions.

  12. I recently did a tylo landing.

    I'm doing a Jool-*4* mission, so its going to be a lot easier.

    Laythe is getting its own dedicated long term mission and fuel depots.

    Originally, I was thinking of doing a fuel depot around tylo and a SSTO lander (as I've done for Mun, Minmus, Eve, Laythe, and Moho -> though moho's fuel depot doesn't contain much fuel), and was designing a SSTO lander.

    I then decided that I was just doing the same mission profile over and over again, and I decided to try for Jool-4... still I'd never done such a landing, so I first tested the single stage lander (that would have similar stats to my staging lander for Jool-4)

    I budgeted something like 5,000 m/s, or maybe 4,900 -> somewhere around there, for the mission -> text edited it into tylo orbit, and tried (note, my aerospikes are modded to produce 200 thrust, not 175, but max thrust wasn't needed anyway).

    the first landing attempt worked, I momentarily over did it with throttle, slowing my descent to a mere 7 m/s while still too high.

    I did end up with less dV to spare than I had hoped:


    Nice job doing one of the hardest missions out there. You would probably be better off using rockomax 48-7Ses for the engines than the heavier LV-909s. Their low mass and high TWR is amazing, especially for missions like Tylo.

    Here is my last Tylo landing (extremely light weight). Maybe it can give you a few ideas on how to improve your lander.


  13. ETK9YqR.png

    Here's the link the the image album.


    The lander made rendezvous with the Artanis inter-Planetary Insertion Shuttle in orbit around Kerbin. The Artanis brought the lander to Jool before safely returning to LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit). From there the lander successfully explored Jool, Pol, and Bop before returning to Kerbin. All in all the chargelot managed to raked about 942,499 credits and 5,802 science, and Jeb managed to return home safely after flagging the moons.

    This was done on hard mode in the first attempt made. Any mistakes are included as is.

  14. Hard mode is too easy (or rather, it's great but not quite as hard as I thought it would be). I modified it to start with maximum negative reputation, zero credits, and 50% science/money payout. Now THAT's a challenge!

    It's not that it's too easy. It starts off fine. It's that the later missions don't scale well for the highest level players. The costs of landing on Duna, Ike, Gilly, and Eve actually go down for high level players as the tech tree expands. After the first 1000 science you just start collecting insane amounts of wealth. A static % change in costs just doesn't work between different skill levels.

  15. I assume the people maxing out the "science for funds" are playing on normal. I recommend trying it on hard or less that 50% income to make it harder. On 60% it hard to abuse the "science for funds" as you aren't completely rolling in the funds.

    A big mistake I made was to try doing 50% of my income for science. I went to get some contracts and they were all wanting me to pay them to do the missions lol. (hard -60% admin -50%) great science though :)

    I play on hard. I put 10% of my income into science and I'm still getting insane amounts of science and cash for missions.

    This was my last mission.


    Spent 45,000 credits, made 1,125,805, and earned 4,420 science. Could have done 50% or more easily and the science gains were crazy even with only 10%.

  16. LOL, the flapping does nothing.

    The flaps annd fins work by giving your ship a tiny bit of trust. On smaller planes it's possible to power your craft entirely with flaps. they are called ASAS powered aircraft because people usually put an ASAS on them and watch as the fins flap like crazy. It's a quirk of the physics engine and not actual powered flight, sorry.

  17. From what I understand, the MiG-15s and 17s were actually quite comparable to Sabres performance-wise, and even better in some ways, but the US had better pilot training.

    This. I would say that the MiG-15s were probebly slightly better than the sabre, but as Van said. We had better pilots. The difference between the two side\'s training can be summed up as such.

    Chinese/Russian pilots were taught the strengths and weaknesses of the MiG-15 and how it should be used in a dogfight.

    American pilots too were taught the strenghts and weaknesses of the MiG-15 and how it should be used in a dogfight.

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