There is a bit of a story to this one... I\'m a laser technician, and I work for a company that supplies industrial and scientific lasers, as well as laser pointers. Some guy had bought a laser pointer, and in the order notes box he put 'can you please draw a snake on the box.' We didn\'t catch the note until after his order had shipped, so we mailed him some snake stickers the following day. When he received the stickers along with an apology letter from the company president. He thought this was great, and subsequently posted a picture to reddit, which made the front page that afternoon. Somebody e-mailed us about it, and the whole company saw the reddit post. We decided to include free stickers with every order that mentioned reddit (there were many) along with rage face stickers and even laser-engraved boxes. Over the following few days, I kept checking reddit to see if any more of our handiwork was being submitted. While searching for the word 'laser' I found a submission on the /r/kerbalspaceprogram subreddit about how a guy had deployed a laser reflector on the Mun. I was intrigued, so I clicked it, and saw it was some kind of game. I looked at the subreddit, saw a few of the submissions and screenshots, and checked out the website. The rest is history. tl;dr I saw it on reddit.