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Everything posted by LeChuck

  1. Looks like you guys were correct about the docking port positioning being the issue. I just swapped over to the rear side port and everything is working again. I disabled steering on the front wheels and enabled them on the rear instead. I now have control over the rover again. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I got up a little early for work and was most likely too tired to see the problem clearly enough. LeChuck
  2. You guys are correct. The frontside docking port is indeed on its side. However the rear side docking port is correct. Silly me didn't test controlling from that specific port on Kerbin before launch. I only used the rover core before launch. However, last night I did indeed try the other control points and I experienced the same issue. I'll play with it some more once I arrived home from work but I'm fairly certain the results are the same. Thank you also to bewing for the explanation. Lucky for me my landing spot / mining area are fairly level on Minmus. Thank you all for your responses!
  3. Hello Everyone! First time poster, long time lurker! Did something change recently with the newer releases of KSP? For some reason my rover wheels and their steering is totally borked right now. My wheels only ever point inwards or outwards now when they were working perfectly fine before. If I invert the steering on the front axle, It just swaps the direction the wheels point on both sides. They used to both point the same direction prior to one of the updates. In both of these screenshots below, I'm trying to steer to the right hand side of the screen. Sorry for them being super wide, I play on a 21:9 monitor . Inward: Outward: I'm only holding right but the wheels point in opposite directions when they used to point the same before. Is there anything I can do to salvage this rover? I have a really nice mining / fuel outpost setup on the surface of Minmus and since I'm playing career, I'd rather not spend the resources sending another one. Please forgive me if this has been addressed before. But my search results on the forum wasn't returning any useful results. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. LeChuck
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