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Everything posted by timmybananas

  1. Awesome, thanks everyone for all the ideas, and thanks for the clarifications on the controls Feragorn
  2. Hey, I tried searching this and I couldn\'t really figure out an answer (but if there is another thread feel free to insult me). Is there any button responsible for applying brakes with landing gear? I landed my shuttle on a random patch of land on Kerbin, but it just rolled uncontrollably and took forever to decelerate. If this is a common issue that will be dealt with later, I understand, but I want to make sure im not missing anything. To circumvent this, I tried to attach some RCS and thrust backwards after landing, but it seems to really destabilize the plane. Any help would be appreciated
  3. Is there any way you could possibly post the .craft file so I could see exactly what you\'re referring to? Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Thanks a lot for adding my craft, it was a complete surprise, but it\'s great to see it on the repository! Just have to say, I used your links for Mun lander designs to help gain inspiration when designing my shuttle, so I owe a great deal of thanks to you and everyone else who plays the game!
  5. I appreciate the feedback from everyone guys! I know that there\'s a lot of really well done mods out there, I myself have a few on KSP that I use. However, as closette said, for this ship I was trying to keep it all stock parts. If you want to add modded parts, I\'d be really interested to see what you can do with it 8) I agree, the first stage is a bit unwieldy. To be honest, the more I play the game, the more flawed I see the staging as, because I need the bigger engines to provide the proper thrust in the earlier stages. At this point, the changes I would make to this ship would make it completely different, so I figure I\'d rather create a new ship than optimize the current design.
  6. Update: With the Ares IV design, I was finally able to safely land on the Mun!
  7. I know, if there was a way to rotate the tricoupler I could arrange the center engines in a way that would allow for the SRBs to be more symmetrical around the center it would probably not look so bad.
  8. I added the modifications, let me know which you prefer . I felt like I had more fuel later in the mission with the new ship, but it was a little chunky in the first 2 stages
  9. Bump-- I really want to see if someone is capable of landing this thing on the Mun...
  10. what are those pieces coming off it in the 5th screenshot?
  11. This things a monster! it doesn\'t respond too well to turning before I dropped the 9 rockets, but then again I never ran into many problems losing control of it or oversteering.
  12. Really love the look of this craft, interesting design on the lander too. I\'m looking forward to testing it
  13. Side Note- I didn\'t really know how to post the pictures within the article, but they are in chronological order and were all taken in the same flight... hope that\'s enough! Hey all, first original design so I figured I\'d share this for tips or possibly so it could be posted in the repository. It is composed of all stock parts, aside from the 'advanced decoupler' which has no advantage over the regular decoupler, I just think it looks cooler 8) . This was my third iteration of the model (hence the III), and the first one which I was able to reach the moon with. However, I\'m terrible at landing (not an issue of fuel, just terrible piloting :\'() and have never actually been able to cleanly land on the Moon. I\'ve reached there 4 times with about 80% of my fuel to spare, crashed twice, and the best I\'ve managed was a grazing that actually took off one of the wingtips as I lost control of my craft and I had to abort at the last second. I called it 'Ares' to keep with the NASA mythological nomenclature, and had no idea that there actually was an Ares rocket which was planned, but ultimately cancelled. Oh well! Stage 1 (0:00~1:03) The first shuttle is composed of 9 LVT-30 engines, each with their own fuel cells connected via 3 tri-couplers and bound together on the inner and outer portions of the fuel cells. Stage 2: This stage is made up of 3 outer LV-T45 engines and also the center LV-T45 engine because I wanted a bit more thrust when establishing orbit. My initial concern was that using this engine would dry out the center tanks first, leaving me out of luck on my approach to the Mun, but then I experimented for the first time with the fuel lines and was excited to see that by routing all the outer tanks to the center tank, I could make use of the 15 other cells without touching the middle engines. This stage is mostly useful for establishing an orbit and most of the 'Mun-shot' (on my run where I took the pictures, the engines dried up just before my orbit extended within range of the Mun). Stage 3: This stage is basically the separation of the radially coupled engines when the outer fuel cells are depleted. This leaves the Ares with the center LV-T45 engine with 2 full fuel cells which is adequate for the Mun\'s approach. Stage 4: In this stage, the main lander craft separates from the engine and 2 depleted fuel cells (I ran out of fuel while decelerating to land on the Mun, but I had plenty of fuel in the Lander to 'touch-down' and return home. Hope everyone enjoys flying it, any tips would be appreciated with building/landing the craft. Edit: Added on the Ares IV, which takes into account some of the suggestions (RCS, extra thrust on liftoff)... I was able to reach the Mun and I still had plenty of fuel in the 'Service Module' which I had to ditch, leaving me with a full RCS tank and fuel tank for the thrusters.
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