Hi everyone, new french Kerbonaut right here!
Lets skip the IRL part quickly : 29y old, currently living in Paris, fun fact : I used to work on real satellites testing their mechanical and thermal resistance
I was confident when I first launched this game.
I knew it's a hard one but, eh? I have both a good scientific + videogame background so it should be easy right? I mean at least I should be able to land on Mun quite easy.
So I read a few beginners tips and here we go, let's start the career mod.
The firsts flights are quite easy, I leave the atmosphere, watch the goo, do some crew reports, deliver some basics contracts and win a few science points (cause you know, science love yeah).
And, sooner than I expected, I'm stuck.
Can't even place my spaceship on orbit around Kerbin...
At that point I think hanging out on this forum might be usefull.
I'll try yo sumerize my situation.
First of all here's the tech I've unlocked :
- General Rocketry : I thought I needed a lot of power, so I upgraded the rocketry first
- Stability : Mostly for the radials decouplers
- Survivability : Why not?
My actual rocket is a 3 stages + boosters, this is how far I goes with it :
- Launch : I toggle SAS on and start the two BACC "Thumper" booster
- 8000m I start rotating with E in order to slowly reach the 45* east between 10000-12000m
- I throw the boosters and start the RT-10 "Hammer" wich allow me to reach 60000m, then I throw it and place my rocket horizontaly
- then I start my last engine part (a LVT 45 with a FLT 200 fuel tank), trying to accelerate when I reach the apopsis.
But I can't get on the orbit, I burn all my fuel before I reach it...
At this point I'm posting here to know is there anything I'm doing wrong?
I'm not asking for a step by step tutorial, I really want to understand the game, not reaching orbite whitout knowing how.
TL;DR : Hi, I'm new to this game, sucking at it but loving it
ps : Sorry for my english, you know how french people struggle with foreign languages....