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Everything posted by dave38x

  1. Just downloaded this, I love it! One criticism though - if you're building a mono-prop powered vehicle (for minimal part count/faff) using RLA Stockalike engines, RCS Build Aid cannot run COM/DCOM difference calculations based on there being no monoprop left, you have to manually drain the tanks to do so. Are you able to implement DCOM including empty monoprop tanks in a future release?
  2. I'm getting some very odd visual effects when orbiting Eve, and when descending through cloud/landing on Eve. Mods wise I'm running SVE (Including all of EVE and Scatterer), Distant Object Enhancement, Planetshine. Any ideas? [imgur]QJ3Kr[/imgur] I've not shown an IMGUR album before, but the above link seems to work for me. Sorry it's not easier to access!
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