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Everything posted by Coffeeislife

  1. Bachelors Engineering Technology, Mechanical Specialization. But I haven't done anything mechanical w/ it since I graduated in 1996. KSP is the first thing I've really applied the systematic discipline of engineering to. I started out w/ all (except one test w/ the NERVA) parts to determine what configurations work and don't work. My conclusions and data, in probably excessive detail are here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aor___PSxYVQdElWNkpjYS1GN3FQb0dQd3pZc01Zemc&hl=en_US
  2. I installed Win 7 for Kerbal Space Program. Had to wipe the entire drive because it was one partition for Kubuntu Linux. As much as I love linux and hate windows, I need right click functionality in KSP. That and sore wrists are my sacrifices our beloved Jebediah. Yours?
  3. The update posting says that the screen shot directly will be automatically created if it doesn't exist, but I can't find any mention of which key catches a screen shot. Also, is there a canonical quick list of command keys? If not, I'll try to build one that's easy to grasp. (Try for a layout and graphics that reflect what the keys do.) Please list any keys that you want on such a list. Obviously w/s, a/d, q/e, f/t, space, shift/ctl, c, whatever takes screen shots. What am I missing?
  4. Wow. I always try to build the smallest rocket that can do what I want, but I must say that I'm quite impressed by your work. I feel... inadequate. If you would like to see the results of my experiments in making small rockets, look here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aor___PSxYVQdElWNkpjYS1GN3FQb0dQd3pZc01Zemc&hl=en_US
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