Hey guys. It is my first attempt to build NASA style Space Shuttle. It was tough at the begining, but now i can easily make it to orbit(100-240km), deploy cargo and safely come back to Kerbin . It can't do the ascent autonomously yet, but i'm working on it.
How ascent works:
Ignition of solid boosters and 3 Vector engines.
Separation of solid boosters.
Establishing apoapsis with main tank connected.
Shutdown of Vector engines and separation of the main tank.
OMS engines ignition and performing circulization(only with monopropellant).
Now here are my problems:
Rendezvous are pain in the cheeks. Hohmann transfers are going well, but whenever i want to perform more precise manouvers (3-50 m/s dv, like tuning closest approach) my nodes are going all over the place and i can't aim at them. Might it be due to unproportional thrust between front and back RCS thrusters?
Do you think that 4 sets(2 front 2 back) of RV-105+Place-anywhere7s is enough to operate the shuttle in space?
Is there any mod similar to RCS Aid? I've heard about this mod, but it seems that it is not compatible with 1.1.
Is there any mod other than Mechjeb to plan launch rendezvous? I'm starting my shuttle "upside down" so i can make a realistic ascent like the real thing did. Mechjeb doesn't know that and it wants to make 180* inclination orbit(velocity vector in the opposite direction).
Any suggestions on how to make a reentry so i can land in Kerbin base? I always seem to miscalculate it lol .