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  1. hi been lurking these forums since 1.1 released to try find fix for kerbals constant crashes but mine is now fixed and running perfect. not one crash in over 2hrs! which is amazing considering it would only run for a max 5 min before a crash in vab or some times as soon as i clicked it. tried formating hardive and reinstall windows twice running bare minimun and was still the same. but on my last try before smashing the keyboard i rolled back the drivers on steam and then re updated again before realising ive never updated my bios before so did that. tried kerbals and its flawless now, so happy! no slowing down, freezes or crashing. im letting gforce experience run setting on optimised and looks amazing now. specs are fx4100, asus M5A78L-M/USB3 motherboard, 8 gig ram and gtx750ti just thought would write incase helps anyone, dont know if was just updating bios or rolling driver back and forth but i can finally enjoy this game again. need anymore info on anything let me know
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