@Ultimate Steve : Of course it is possible for a Cubesat to go to the Moon. Unfortunately, as usual, it's just a matter of how much money you can spend for this mission. For instance, The busek ion thruster that you mention in your post, seems far too big, even for a 3U cubesat. 1 kg out of 4 kg available ! You also need to keep enough for solar panels, battery, transmission, video camera, and positioning (star tracker or something else).
You should have a looks at Accion Systems (http://www.accion-systems.com/)
The MIN-0 datasheet : http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5446faa2e4b025843cfc6731/t/56b89ec537013bd1851a9ba4/1454939846248/MIN-0_FlySheet.pdf
The MAX-1 datasheet : http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5446faa2e4b025843cfc6731/t/5626959ae4b0d3deeaf7d293/1445369242056/MAX-1_FlySheet_02.pdf
The TILE-1 datasheet : http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5446faa2e4b025843cfc6731/t/56b89b839f72662e5f8f460d/1454939011707/TILE_FlySheet_v2.pdf
You should also read this : http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/labs/spl/research_ieps.htm
Of course, You will need to put several thrusters to reach the Moon, but they are not that heavy.
The final problem you will have will be to land on the moon safely. That is another challenge ...