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Posts posted by Atomsk_za

  1. Hi Magico,

    First off, thanks for this mod, have been really having some fun with it on my RO/RSS install. 

    Now on to my problem.

    I am using RP-0 with this mod and when I select the RP-0 config, then I am not able to select another build rate for a second/third queue. I an only select "Rate 1" to upgrade and there is no upgrade button next to "Rate 2"

    The reason want to have a second build rate is because I am using TestFlight as an additional mod. Instead of simulations I run real test flights Having multiples constructions queued helps with speeding up these test flights.

    And lastly, I haven't been using this for to long(since KSP 1.1; KSP kept crashing on 32bit), but what are the ways of increasing research and build times other than upgrading Build Time Rates or are these specific ways of gaining BuildPoints?

    Thanks again &

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