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Charkim Paul

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Posts posted by Charkim Paul

  1. First time i made a plane and it can fly into the sky is amazing to me. Because i dont have any knowledge about the planes and i have never played the game like KSP before. Every times the planes that i made cannot be flown,because i couldn't put the wings to the right place of the planes.

  2. 7 hours ago, T.A.P.O.R. said:

    I'm not super skilled with this, but I use parts from infernal robotics to help with deployment.

    I learned a fair bit from looking at the construction of the demo craft that Nils made.

    I don't  remember if it shipped with the mod or was a separate download though. Pretty sure it was on curse as a separate file.

    i belive that you had used the mods with the ships because i also want to use a mod which can change the size of the ship so i can put the base into the MK3 but ! i don't know the name of the mod do you know it?

  3. one of my dream is the same as yours  i want to build many buildings on the mun and send lots of kermen to the mun but it is impossible in my opinion because it is just like build all the buildings on the earth by yourself,so i dont think it's possible

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