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Posts posted by billythemenace2

  1. 35 minutes ago, tseitsei89 said:


    Will probably try this at some point.


    Best results can probably be achieved by stacking command chairs in cargo bays. That way you can transport a s**tload of kerbals for minimal payload mass but I dont have patience to load all the chairs with kerbals so I'll probably just use actual crew parts for transportation...

    There is a mod that lets you put Kerbals in command seats from the assembly area. I think its called take command

  2. 1 hour ago, tseitsei89 said:


    1. Do you mean 150,000m instead of km?

    2. Cab I use a reusable design and get refunds if I land it at ksc? If yes then reusable spaceplanes are a way to go since you only pay for the fuel and can use efficient jets most of the way...

    3. Can I do a design that transports several kerbals there simultaneously and then calculate my price/kerbal or do you only want crafts that ship only one kerbal? So for example if have a craft that ships 10 kerbals for 10,000 funds would it be as good as having a craft that ships 1 kerbal for 1000 funds?

    sorry first time on the forums.

    1. yes i mean meters

    2. no im looking for the cost of the ship

    3. yes i dont see why not. only reason i did not is because i only had 2 spaces for kerbals i think

  3. so i managed to get a kerbal to my space station at 150,000km for 5865 funds with less than 1 propelent left in the eva pack. so can you do better than 5865 funds?

    here is the video of my craft


    The idea was when using my career mode i could get food or kerbals to the spacestaion for cheap. i probably end up stealing some ideas if anyone has ago at it

    sorry about some of the confusion guys, it was my first post but i wont make the same mistake twice!

    leader board:

    1st - Cunjo Carl - 502 funds per kerbal (2nd try)

    2nd - Cunjo Carl - 745 funds per kerbal (1st try)

    3rd - tseitsei89 - 1908 funds per kerbal

    4th - 5thHorseman - 3665 funds per kerbal

  4. 51 minutes ago, Azimech said:

    Welcome to the forum!

    Nice contraption you've got there! There's a limit on the max angular velocity in stock KSP, which is unrealistic. You can change line 89 in your physics.cfg to improve the situation, the standard values is around 30 rad/s. You can change it to 50, above the physics update becomes wonky and the joints go gaga.

    Using a "helicopter" to launch a space vehicle is AFAIK never done before, most helicopters max out at 5-7 km and the absolute world record sits at 12.4 km, quote:  "on June 21, 1972.  Jean Boulet of France flew a single-turboshaft Aerospatiale SA 315B Lama, which had been stripped of all unnecessary equipment to reduce weight."

    Maybe a special development of your helicopter can reach the higher atmosphere, taking a useful cargo with it sounds to me like fantasy.

    But hey ... it's KSP!

    hey thanks for the input i am going to have ago at changing the config file(never done it before) and see how far i get. it probably wont be very efficient but hey why not try!

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