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  1. Can you elaborate? Did you have two Kopernicus versions installed at the same time? I have been trying to use KSP 1.1.3 with the most up to date Kopernicus, Galactic Neighborhood and several planet packs; but I have, like you, been getting dark planets. Kerbin, Duna, Laythe and Jool all go black. Strangely Eve is sometimes immune which confuses me as all the affected planets/moons are ones with cloud layers. Googling scatterer or kopernicus with 'black planet' or similar gets me nothing. The exact same game with kopernicus but no galactic content works fine too.
  2. A little more than a month old now, of course. Still relevant though. I've been having the same issue with KSP 1.1.2 (x64) and 27 mods. KW was one of those 27 mods and I was getting all sorts of instability; KSP crashed in space, in the VAB and upon recovery. The recovery crash was quite common. I came across this thread looking at the vessel recovery angle of my problem and saw DeathTBO's post. I pulled KW from my mod set and relaunched. Praise Jeb! My KSP settled down and is now alot more stable. Removing KW may not help everyone but it certainly helped me.
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