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  1. In your latest update, the Scud wasn't functioning correctly. I set some GPS coordinates with a tank i made. Weapon mangers on both craft were armed. I switched to the Scud launcher, targeted the GPS coordinates with the coordinator, and launched the Scud. However, instead of going towards the target, which was by the mountains, the Scud continued to curve downwards and into the ground in the grassland near KSC. Any ideas what is happening?
  2. Any idea whether BD is updating BDA to 1.1.2 yet? His topic has been "closed to further replies". Also, could you add a nuclear Tomahawk cruise missile? That would fit my needs perfectly... Maybe when I'm older, and if someone doesn't beat me to the punch, I'll make a weapons pack implementing the BLU- and GBU- Bunker Busting bombs. INCOMING!! (Patent Pending.)
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