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Posts posted by robkaper

  1. On 12/28/2016 at 5:36 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

    What has given you that idea? The OP says "early next year", that could be any time in the first half of 2017. I think it's extremely optimistic to say it will be in January.

    Agreed that it needn't be January, but I wouldn't really call Q2 early in the year either.

  2. On 7/26/2016 at 11:38 PM, Hammer_667 said:

    I'm guessing this doesn't extend to Europe? Seeing as, well y'know... the game isn't even available for us yet and we have absolutely no idea what's going on?

    Just because it isn't out yet doesn't mean you can't win a contest, you'll just get the license key at a later time.

    And we do have a pretty good idea what's going on: KSP didn't pass SCEE certification. The only thing that is unclear is whether or not Squad needs to fix problems and resubmit.

  3. On 30/06/2016 at 1:55 AM, HoloYolo said:

    No offense to anyone buying this for ANY console, but this game is going to be a hell of a lot different than PC in terms of controls. I can only hope it isn't too different or hard.

    None taken, obviously controls will be a lot different. It's a good thing I never played on PC, nothing will feel different and everything is just going to be as-it-is. Unless Squad messed it up that shouldn't be a problem, console users like me are well adapted to context sensitive controls and menus which is what I suspect to be the case.

  4. On 6/4/2016 at 4:14 AM, ForsakenVoyager said:

    You don't know for sure it won't have mods, and I don't know for sure it will.

    As far as PS4 is concerned, I can say with 100% certainty that user mods will not be possible. Sony would never allow it, the risk of something going wrong (maliciously or by accident) with the system is unacceptable to them. That said, the console edition might have some tweaks compared to the PC edition (initially or through updates) to make certain tasks easier or console-friendly, potentially removing the need for some of the essential mods. Or not, in which case everything I'll achieve will be far more rewarding. :wink:

  5. On 29/05/2016 at 11:27 PM, Majorjim said:

    I look forward to welcoming console players on this forum. I have a feeling it will get a lot, lot busier round here.

    Thanks! By the way, if any administrators are watching: when the time comes you'll probably want to add subsections per platform. The last thing you want is that experienced PC users have to scroll through topics such as "this mod is broken! 3000 words later, btw ps4" or "does Kinect influence part count limits" or "where can I download the Jebediah Miimoto".

  6. Have never played KSP but I've seen Scott Manley's videos (and a few others) and I'm very excited it will be coming to PS4. I come from a Linux background so I never invested in a gaming PC (my best non-console is a Chromebook).

    I realise our version might be subpar when it comes to controls and features but I don't really care. Never stopped me from enjoying Minecraft and to be honest sometimes it's nice to have a limited, vanilla version precisely because you can hit a wall and lay down the game for a while. I'd hate to see what my life would turn into if Cities Skylines were on PS4 or if I ever got back to PCs...

    As for performance, perhaps this is one of those games that push me over the edge in getting a PS4.5/Neo.

    So consider me on board for the hype train (even registered just to say that after lurking for a few months).

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