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  1. When not running in admin mode, no logs are generated at all, nothing changes in the KSP folder at all. When in admin mode however, KSP loads and runs perfectly fine and output_log.txt is generated (no crash logs anywhere)... I think it's more likely Windows 10's fault than anything. I originally installed the game under windows 7 but upgraded to Windows 10 64-bit, game continued to work fine and now tried to do a clean install (same folder/structure) to upgrade to 1.1.2 and the problem started. Apparently the Program Files folder is system protected (news to me), I can't even unzip directly into it or any of the sub-folders under windows 10
  2. I had the same problem when I just reinstalled KSP earlier, both modded and clean un-modded, no matter how many times I tried or how long I left it, the game would not load beyond "Loading Asset Bundle Definitions" and did not generate any crash logs. I fixed the problem for myself by right clicking on the KSP.exe, then clicking on Compatibility and enabling "Run this program as an administrator".
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