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  1. Hi ! Is the development still active? Keep the good stuff coming, amazing work!
  2. I changed my XXL chute docking port for a regular one without the chute. The "normal" one behaves normally unlike the XXL one. All the struggle with the drag is gone. Does someone have any idea why the XXL chute docking port has so much drag ? Thank you guys !
  3. Hello everyone ! I'm starting to learn how to interact with drag in the game and I was wondering if anyone else was struggling with the stock revamp docking ports or LES ? I've made a Saturn V replica but I just can't reach my orbit and I have noticed that I have a very big red drag vector at the very top of my MK1-2 pod during gravity turn. Mechjeb tries to pitch up very hard to counter this drag but it just won't help and the whole ship goes down the toilet ... Does someone have any if there is something wrong or if it is just me launching my rocket like a tard ? Thanks for you help guys !! Here a look at the stat of my rocket and its design:
  4. Thanks for your quick response ! Do you by chance know any way to get rid of this "shroud-less" problem ? Thanks man ! Any further hints and tricks are welcome
  5. Hello guys ! I am having issues while playing around with the ven's stock revamp and the procedural parts: I am building a rocket with procedural parts and I just discovered that ven's stock revamp has new tank butts for the engines. If I am right, the additional node that one can see above the engines in the VAB is new with vens revamp and can be used to make the tank butts appear. The problem is that I want to make a nice 2.5 shroud around my RE-I5 "Skipper" engine but I cannot find a way to cover the tank butt correctly with a nice and solid shroud. Do you maybe have a idea how to do this ? Thank you very much ! Edit: Forgot to mention that node at the nozle of the engine seems to be higher than it should be ?
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