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  1. Thanks for that, I've just updated my northbridge driver and that seems to have worked, from my rudimentary understanding the chipset is the bridge between memory and CPU so that kinda makes sense, hopefully the issue is resolved. Going strong now after a couple hours games time... I think I'll update to x64 over the next few days as there's little point having the RAM and not using it. Thanks for your help. I wasn't insinuating you were lazy. The standard approach when someone new asks a question is to assume that they have done zero research and are lazy - I was simply pointing that out. I'm not getting drawn into some ridiculous slanging match on a forum as it won't achieve anything other than making your menagerie on conditions worse and wasting my time... Point is this appears to be a driver related issue so maybe give people the benefit of the doubt next time and assume the best. chees for your help - paul
  2. Hi Kiwi, as matter of fact I had looked, quite extensively actually. All of the things I could find indicated the game crashing after a certain period of time, however this crash happens after different periods 10min-1hr or even longer. You say it's a common problem but you don't actually know what the problem is, have you looked at the crash logs? not everyone who uses forums is lazy you know... Thanks pandishar, the CPU texture mod posted above seems to have made no difference, I'll try messing with these options. I'm kind of thinking to just switch to 64bit win7 as I have a 6gig system. I was on windows 10 64bit before but it kept hitting bluescreens due to unsupported hardware drivers
  3. Bump - if anyone could confirm/advise if this is caused by the program or something else that would be great - error logs attached. Cheers
  4. Ah yes, you are correct my version is 1.1.2 - i have corrected above and also added the log files. Thanks for your help Im currently on 32bit windows, however I'm not sure if RAM is the issue as keeping an eye on it it never goes crazy... also the time in which the crash happens changes between 10mins to a few hours. Thanks for your help
  5. Hello everyone, I have problem with KSP crashing on me everytime i switch between buildings/flying or sometimes when loading parts during build. The crashes happen from anything to a few minutes to an hour. Any help would be great Fresh KSP install, launching from launcher, new save and no mods. Also pretty fresh (1 week or so) windows 7 32bit install I have crash logs attached Output_log:- http://pastebin.com/gwPgk3nD Error File:- http://pastebin.com/ipiNq1F8
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