I've been slowly developing a Minmus base in career mode.
It was coming along nicely. Lately, however, when physics reasserts itself (loading the game / switching to something around or on the base from the tracking station, etc), it explodes a landing strut. Then, over time, more and more explode. Maybe one every few minutes. None of them show any stress in the right-click menu. They simply explode now and then. You can see here where legs are "missing" from the tube that's a "T" just to the front ... all but one has blown off. Similarly, the tube on the far right is now missing its legs.
The parts should be fairly well lined up, but even without that, I do notice sometimes the entire station just "slides" a little bit, which is also odd (I've noticed this when trying to dock a vehicle, and the entire base starts moving to the side or away from the vehicle that is stationary).
Any idea what's going on here or how to correct it? I was building quite the base (for me) and it just went bonkers in the last couple additions.
It went really nuts when I tried to attach a larger tank to the "T" in the front here. One of the legs blew and the whole station went into oscillations, shredding quite a bit of it.
Edit: I don't know if it's relevant, but just in case it is, I'm running v from Steam on OSX