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Everything posted by GreatCow

  1. How would I make stuff larger? Like on Jool make the lightning cover more of Jool?
  2. The mod and Texture files have the Same name: SCE.v1.3.0.4 > GameData > StockVisualEnhancements & SVE_MedResTextures > GameData > StockVisualEnhancements Of course, I can't put them both in my GameData cause they have the same name, do I rename one of them or do I not have the right file?
  3. L-O-V-E IT!! Definitely keep up the good work! IDEAS: Add interior equipment (Science stuff, ect) for space stations, Maybe storage containers that work with KIS. And maybe crew quarters (Both sizes. Like the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container, both space and planet versions). And also end caps that aren't like capolas would be REALY nice, so when you have the Hollow-HubMax you don't have to see the fuel tank texture. (Basicly you place one of these end caps and then a fuel tank or something.
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