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Status Updates posted by Heed

  1. Denny,

    Just got told about your mod "Flight and Kerbonauts History" which is similar in many ways to my recently started "Flight Operations" mod. 

    Don't want to tread on toes or anything, but I understand you've mothballed your mod?

    If you have any pointers or suggestions, please let me know.


    1. DennyTX


      Hi. Nope. it fully works in 1.0.5 but have not tested it in 1.1.2

      it is for homeuse because i'm just too lazy to prepare it for public domain, also still works on my camera mod.

      Have you saw pictures from it? seem like i've published it somewhere.

      btw,  it will be fine if someone creates something like it.

      Tell me more?

    2. Heed


      Yeah, someone told me about it, and I found some info at 


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