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    Lynchburg, Virginia
  1. Well, I parked the rover and took a picture of it with the Kerbal sitting in it, then the Kerbal moved to the science lab. When I reloaded the game later, I went back to that same station and the rover was gone. As for probe cores, the only one I had was the rover body itself, which I assume is core-like because it lets me drive with no pilot. Granted, it was upside down (silly me), which means I had to land on the Mun manually because all the maneuvers were backwards. To drive it, I had to teach myself that 'S' was forwards. So, yes, it was a very silly rover, but it is the only friend my lone Mun scientist had and so the entire program is pretty upset about losing it.
  2. When I parked the rover, I had no mods. I installed the Kerbal Engineer mod after I noticed the rover was gone. I bought Kerbal from steam and am running the 1.2.2 64-bit version. It's got me afraid to build anymore rovers until I know what I should have done differently. Is it possible to lose it if you don't leave the brakes on or something?
  3. I'm relatively new to KSP, which is odd to say when I have 135 hours into it, but, you know, it's KSP. My most challenging project so far was to build and deploy a rover to the Mun to handle some missions there. Oh, the failures! When I finally got the rover landed, there were some funny problems I had to work through with funny consequences that I wish I had recorded. At the end of the "day", though, the mission was finally accomplished, and I left the rover parked right outside of my Mun base. The next day, though, when I went to pull some science from said Mun base, I saw that the rover was gone. There is no trace of it anywhere. My question is "What happened to the rover?", and, more importantly, "How can I park a rover in a way that keeps it from vanishing?" Thanks!
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