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Everything posted by DecidedlyNinja

  1. @tetrydsOh well. BDA alone was working fine for me, though, hence my confusion (or at least I thought it was; maybe I just hadn't noticed).
  2. I've been experiencing a major bug with this: Every time I mouse over certain parts in the part selection menu (seems to be most, but not all, of the parts in the mod), KSP starts leaking memory. The leak stops if I leave the editor. I'm running the 64 bit version of KSP with the following mods: Aviator Arsenal BDArmory BDA Vessel Switcher BDA Vessel Mover Environmental Visual Enhancements Firespitter (the part needed for KAX) KAX Kerbal Flight Data KerbinSide KerbalKonstructs (for KerbinSide) MouseAimFlight Has anyone else seen this problem? Is it known to be caused by some wacky mod interaction or something?
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