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  1. Quick and possibly dumb question: I'm only able to get the "Show UI" button on some manned parts (like the habitation module) and not others (like the laboratory and the command modules). is this by design, and if not has anyone else had this issue? I was going to try it with the toolbar mod but it seems that's still waiting for a 1.1.3 update.
  2. Loved this Mod last time I had it installed. Added it to an install with just module manager and mechjeb. All the parts assemble just fine but I cant get the build interface up. When I click on the orbital launchpad I get no menu and when I click on the folding launchpad I get all the non-EPL-related options but nothing to bring up the launchpad menu. Any idea what might be the issue? Thanks for any help you can offer.
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