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Everything posted by Waste55

  1. Thanks for the replying! Here was the old bug report for the input delay issue: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/762#change-21311 The good news is I got around the dialog issue with a reinstall. And since then I am able to bind the axis. Additionally, the input lag appears to be resolved as well! This is without the use of a mod (the mod was great though, as you could change bindings without going back to main menu). I still can't assign some stuff to the additional 4 way hats for translation controls, but I can probably resolve that using the driver utilities and assign those to keyboard strokes.
  2. Hello, Since I received the 1.1.3 patch I have been unable to use my flight stick. I cannot set the axis bindings. When I click on "throttle axis" etc to set a binding nothing comes up. This is for all axis of any mode (flight, vehicle, etc). I can assign actions to joystick buttons, just not assign axis since no set dialogue appears. I have a Saitek x52 Pro. I had previously been using this joystick with a KSP mod called "advance fly by wire" that eliminated the large of amounts of lag with the joystick that this game has (its a known issue with this game). Since the mod now fails to load after the patch (super bummed about that), I went to set the stock game controls in hopes that the lag would be remove, and discovered this issue. I have removed the mod but the issue still persists. The only errors I saw in the log file that were controller related was this about steam controller (which I'm not using, I don't own one). Thanks
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