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Posts posted by Rickpadwick1891

  1. Really starting to make progress now. 

    I have now completed several mun flyby missions with tourists aboard, launched a very simple space station into low kerbin orbit, managed orbital rendezvous missions and also just now completed a rescue mission by transferring the crew member by EVA to my rescue ship.

    This is Haydy Kerman clinging to the outside of my ship before I transferred her into the crew cabin. Only 7 more of these rescues to do, but I need to modify my ship first lol to include some power gear first. The claw pod on the front of the ship was there incase I needed to grab her if her MMU jetpack ran out of fuel lol. If I can do this I should soon be able to attempt a docking mission.


  2. Hi Everyone,

    I have finally after almost a year of playing KSP on and off, finally managed to get a space craft to do a flyby of the Mun and return safely  with all the science data it gathered.

    Since then I have repeated the process 3 further times with the same results.

    I am now going to learn how to do rescue and rendezvous/docking mission before attempting anything more advanced.

    Below is a screenshot of my ship passing the mun before returning home. I have also got a video of my 4th Mun flyby using OBS so will be taking videos of significant missions/milestones.

    Game is completely stock. No mods.

    All the best,



  3. Hi Everyone,

    Will add those station mods and kerbal engineer mods into my game tonight.

    I have so far managed to get a core module, MPL, crew housing and escape module into a 200 km orbit with my standard liquid fuel launcher which doesn't use asparagus (sp) staging (will post the build of the launcher later).

    Would like to try and build a launcher capable of launching components into a 300 km orbit, so will try that tonight and see how I get on :-)

    Will post my results.

    Thanks for all the posts,


  4. Thanks everyone,


    I'm getting there with the design of the modules for the station, just need to get the gameplay mods sorted out that I need. 

    Can anyone post the links to the most recommended mods for the game?  

    I already have Mechjeb installed.

    I will need to get the mods installed on the steam version.

    Also is the interstellar mod worth installing?  I would love to get my hands on the IXS class with warp drive. 



  5. 34 minutes ago, Magzimum said:

    Make sure to install the KER mod, which will give you the amount of dV you can get from a ship. Then add engines and fuel until you have enough.

    A ship to go interplanetary is essentially a giant fuel tank with engines, and "oh yes, there at the top I spot a lander too if I look carefully". What you have there is a station, and I wouldn't use it to visit any other planets or moons (... anymore - I tried similar things only a few months ago).

    To go travel the planets and moons, I recommend to change 3 things:

    1. Make the joints more rigid. Minimize the sideways mounted structures. If you must, make those lightweight, close to the center, and connect them with the senior docking port. In your current design, these will flop around and make acceleration awkward and inefficient.
    2. Put a LOT more fuel on the ship. Like at least 5 more orange tanks just to get to Duna... probably even more. I would recommend to use NERVs and only liquid fuel, although you do need more patience with those.
    3. Make sure that all sideways attached compartments have the same mass. That hitchhiker compartment does not seem to have the same mass as the pod (Mk1-2 with poodle engine). If you turn on an engine on this vessel, it will not go straight... and that is generally considered to be a bad thing. 


    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the posts, I will make some changes to the design tonight.

    This space station is not designed to leave Kerbin, what I was planning is to launch this thing into orbit and then use it as a fuelling platform for other ships.

    I was thinking of building stations at other planets to give the ships a chance to get back, lol.

    I will see how I get on tonight :-)

    All the best,


  6. Hi Everyone,

    I have only been playing Ksp for a few months now and have had some success with the career mode (however I have always struggled to get beyond Kerbin orbit). 

    I have recently installed Mechjeb on my game and am using it to help me get into a stable orbit with a space station before building more complex ships for future exploration. 

    I have had a bit of success getting some of my station modules into orbit and docked together with more simple designs.

    I just wanted to make a post with the new station version that I intend to place in a 100 km orbit to act as a refuelling station before launching more of the components towards the Mun and other planets to make a refuelling station in orbit of each world.  If anyone has any suggestions for improvement or recommendations for building and launching, please post them here. 

    I still have a refuelling tug (for Rcs and main fuel tanks), module construction tug and the main docking module to the right end of the picture to design. I need to integrate Rcs fuel tanks, thrusters and comm antennas to integrate into the modules before separating the modules into the launch sections which are as follows :

    1) Command module

    2) Lab

    3) Power modules (x2)

    4) Escape module 

    5) Rcs fuel modules including gantry (docking section for refuelling ships)

    6) Orange main rocket fuel tank with gantrys (docking section for refuelling ships)

    7) Docking/ship construction module

    8) Refuelling tug (as tanks will be launched empty and for refuelling as needed)

    9) Module construction tugs (used to attach other modules and to take components for ships to the construction dock)

    10) Lander - to be used exploring planets and moons.

    11) Base components for moon bases etc

    I am just wondering what propulsion systems other members recommend for using on long distance exploration vessels.

    I also want to install an IXS enterprise mod with the warp drive. Can anyone recommend one that I can us with the steam game?  

    One last question: how do you transfer fuel into storage tanks from the ships that I am using to deliver my modules to orbit?  



    P.S. Below is my station design before the remaining tasks are done.



  7. Hi Everyone,

    After 9 hours of gameplay on the full version, I have managed to get my first ship (the Phoenix 2 into a stable orbit), unfortunately the engine fuel ran out during deorbit burn before enough velocity had been lost.

    How do I get him down ? I do not have enough components to dock with that ship yet as I am working on  the science mode of the game.

    So what do I do ? Get him to take suicide pills and terminate the flight otherwise I think he will be up there for a long time.

    Ok here we go with photos of the ship and its orbit details:

    Phoenix 2 in VAB



    Phoenix 2 final stage in orbit


    Orbital schematic


    Any and all suggestions gratefully received.

    A very happy Rick (as Phoenix 2.5 went into orbit and back again safely as well).

  8. Hi Bricktop,

    Welcome to the forum and the game. 

    I am also at the start of my time playing Ksp full game as I bought it on steam as well, I have played the demo for a month but never got beyond orbiting at that point. 

    Look forward to hearing more about your travels.


  9. 46 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Welcome to the forum, and the game! First orbit is sweet. Wait until you land a Kerbal on Mun and bring him or her home. That's an experience right there.

    I think you're wise to steer clear of career (that rhymed AND included alliteration. I feel accomplished!) for the time being. Science Mode in my opinion is a much better introduction to a new player. You are slowly doled out parts as you need them (more or less) but have all the freedom to make your own goals (which you will have plenty of). Career is more for when you've met your own personal goals and want to just try things of various challenge levels, and reap the rewards of success. And pay the price for failure. Sandbox is good as well but if you start feeling like there are too many parts, head right back to Science mode.

    If you want ship ideas, check out the Spacecraft Exchange which has an endless supply of amazing craft, and for mods, it's hard to recommend without knowing what you like/want/need, so I'll steer clear of that. Also note that with 1.1.3 just being released a lot of mods won't work, and when you're new at the game you frequently won't be able to tell if the problem is with the game, the mod, or you doing something wrong.

    EDIT: And as is tradition, allow me to grant you your first rep point!

    Thanks very much. 

    I am still getting my feet in the game so not sure what I like yet. I was looking through some of the space plane designs earlier and saw a number I liked.

    I know what you mean about landing on the Mun, I managed it in the training scenarios last night but didn't get back yet. 

    I need to get into a circular orbit now as they have been slightly egg shaped :-) and then start working up and out from there. 

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to check in and say hi as I have just purchased the full game after playing the demo for a month.

    Already addicted to the full game and achieved a very rough orbit on my last two launches. I can get a screenshots of the ship I built if anyone is interested. 

    I  am going to be working my way through some ideas for ships but primarily I am going to play in Sandbox or science mode. But will give the career mode a go at some point.

    Oh yeah I also want to build a space station / satellite network. 

    Look forward to looking at your most interesting designs.

    Any mod to the game suggestions or challenges welcome.

    All the best,


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