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  1. Damn - I didn't realise that could happen even when they are that far away. Thanks for clearing it up. Looks like i'll have to send the replacement modules to Eve as I can't see any way of fixing the ones in Orbit there currently
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm having an issue where my areospike engines don't seem to be able to translate any thrust through a decoupler As you can see in the first screenshot, they are at full throttle (and have been for a short while) and the craft hasn't budged from the station. If I decouple the engines from the rest of the base module it takes off fine making me think there is an issue with the decoupler itself. I had 4 ships on this of a similar areospike configuration - the first 2 had no issues but the remaining two won't budge. Spawning in the problem modules on the launch pad (second screenshot) shows the same behavior - however I can't replicate the issue with any new craft I build. Only mods i'm running are Mechjeb and KAC - both up to date for patch 1.1.3 Hope someone can help!
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