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  1. Forgot to make an update. Starting 64 bit exe didnt work.
  2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwgMhhxyXJ2_bnhaSjFGMHEwRXM Here is the full log. Also i check x64 on steam when i start ksp. I'll try starting from the exe instead.
  3. I installed a bunch of my fav mods and my game now randomly crashes during a flight. The timing seems random since ive had flights that where 1 minute until crash all the way to 15 minutes to crash. Here is the part of the log where it crashes. If you need the entire log file or any of the others i can upload it to google drive or something. Mod i have installed
  4. I re-read OP's post, could known issue number 3 be the problem? I will try to do as it says.
  5. @Freshmeat Thanks for the help man. @zitronen I've already tried that with no effect.
  6. @Freshmeat I wasn't able to communicate through the rx tx pins. Also adjusting the baud rate didn't work either.
  7. @Freshmeat Alright so i installed a serial monitor program and shot a rocket into space, and the entire time the serial port was being spammed with packet, even when the arduino cut out. So maybe the usb to serial on the arduino gets freaked out after too many packets and starts denying them? Im going to try and do away with the usb cable and connect the rx and tx pins on the arduino to an actual serial port on my computer and see what happenes then.
  8. @Freshmeat I am using windows 10 but i did have HandshakeDisable set to 1. As for the logs, i didnt really find anything that could be useful but here. From KSP.log: [WRN 13:47:35.467] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From EDITOR to FLIGHT (Async) ===================== [LOG 13:47:35.608] [UIApp] OnDestroy: EngineersReport [LOG 13:47:35.610] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ContractsApp [LOG 13:47:35.612] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia [LOG 13:47:35.678] UIMasterController: HideUI [WRN 13:47:36.226] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! [WRN 13:47:36.245] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! [WRN 13:47:36.249] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! [WRN 13:47:36.250] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! [LOG 13:47:36.553] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning Flight [WRN 13:47:36.570] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay [LOG 13:47:36.624] UIMasterController: HideUI [LOG 13:47:36.629] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'AeroGUI' from assembly 'KSP' [LOG 13:47:36.632] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KSPSerialPort' from assembly 'KSPSerialIO' [LOG 13:47:36.634] KSPSerialIO: Version 0.18.2 [LOG 13:47:36.635] KSPSerialIO: Getting serial ports... [LOG 13:47:36.635] KSPSerialIO: Output packet size: 191/255 [LOG 13:47:36.638] KSPSerialIO: Found 5 serial ports [LOG 13:47:36.638] KSPSerialIO: trying default port COM5 [LOG 13:47:36.653] KSPSerialIO: Handshake disabled, using COM5 [LOG 13:47:36.654] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KSPSerialIO' from assembly 'KSPSerialIO' [LOG 13:47:36.684] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------ KSPSerialIO or anything related to it is not mentioned after initializing flight mode.
  9. Hi, i followed OP's tutorial and got it to kinda work. When i hit launch and get to the launchpad the leds will light up and preform correctly for about 10 seconds, then the lights will cut out and stop working. If i revert to launchpad it will work again but only for 10 seconds. Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks.
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