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    (she/they) just a gamer girl doing rocket science

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  1. Unfortunately, karbonite is VERY heavy (i had to have the tank half full for some reason to do with weight (i actually forget the original reason but its necessary))
  2. the important specs about my ship are this: mass: 26.7 tons propulsion: i forgot the name but its one of the karbonite engines [and i use fuel cheat] https://imgur.com/fldFjpx https://imgur.com/WF06u7m
  3. so, long story short i made a rocket to hold some resources i need on my lunar base. however when i launch it, it quickly starts to spin out of control. i checked with rcs build aid and it is a problem with the engine setup. i have no idea what mods you need to even load the damn ship so im just sending my GameData and the save file so its easier. [you'll need winrar to extract the files] https://mega.nz/#!m9sQ0AQC!F4x67rMEIQ5ktRTIGrb2iEQlKSavOqJIBlJJL-cTwlA i need someone to help me cause i know bugger all about rocket science [i did use fuel cheat but you can make a functional launcher if you want] [and i would prefer if you could send me the craft file :3]
  4. I found out how to fix Blizzy's toolbar, just go to your KSP game folder > GameData > 000_Toolbar then open Toolbar.version with notepad (dont set it to always open) and copy \/ and replace the stuff in the notepad for this {{"NAME":"Toolbar"},{"URL":"https://www.blizzy.de/toolbar/Toolbar.version"},{"DOWNLOAD":"http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/55420-110-toolbar-1711-common-api-for-draggableresizable-buttons-toolbar/"},{"VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":7,"PATCH":12}},{"KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":2}},{"KSP_VERSION_MAX":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":99}}} all he did was mess up the file and ksp does not reconize it so it wont work no matter what game version
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