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  1. Hello, TL;DR PROBLEM: SAS & RCS don't work, both are grayed out and unclickable. I have recently begun playing KSP and enjoy it immensely. After fidgeting around a bit with a stock installation I decided to install mods to enhance my experience. Most notably I would like some communication realism in the way of using RemoteTech, building nice functional space stations and building self-sustaining interplanetary spacecraft capable of replenishing its own resources (i.e. by undocking a smaller craft that can land on an asteroid/planet to mine & convert stuff to fuel). After checking a bunch of mods (via 'top recommendation' lists, CKAN and other sources) I installed a bunch of mods (under 1.1.2) to find out that now my SAS & RCS don't work anymore. It is not a problem with connection (RemoteTech) as I install antennae and have them activated before launch. I gave up for a bit, and after 1.1.3 hit decided to do a full clean re-install and be more selective about which mods to use (to get the core above mentioned functionality at least working and then possibly expand from there). Yet again SAS & RCS does not work. The reason I made this thread was in the hope of being pointed out what is going wrong by someone who happens to know or has experienced this before. I would hate to have to manually trouble-shoot the issue myself which would take a long time while someone else might already know the answer. Thanks in advance in case you can help me and if not thanks for reading anyway! I run KSP 1.1.3 64bit mode under win10 from steam (installed on an SSD). I have a 6-core XEON processor with 48gb of RAM (doubt it is relevant but whatever). Here is my current list of installed mods (max KSP version mentioned according to CKAN where not explicitly 1.1.3 compatible): Antennas B9 Part Switch BetterBurn Time Community Resource Pack Community Terrain Texture Pack Cryogenic Tanks CxAerospace: Station Parts Pack DMagic Orbital Science Dr. Jet's Chop Shop Eskandare Heavy Industries (no max version mentioned in CKAN) Extraplanetary Launchpads Fuel Tanks Plus Heat Control Interstellar Fuel Switch Interstellar Fuel Switch Core ION RCS Jettison Fuel Kerbal Atomics KAS Kerbal Engineer Redux KIS Kopernicus KOSMOS Space Station Parts Pack KSP AVC Mk2 Stockalike Expansion Mk3 Stockalike Expansion (1.1.2) Modular Rocket Systems Modular Flight Integrator Module Manager Navball Up Default Near Future (all of them) Outer Planets Mod Persistent Thrust (1.1) REPOSofttech-Agencies SCANsat Station Science (1.1) Stock Visual Enhancements Transfer Window Planner Tweakscale Remote Tech (devbuild for 1.1.3)
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