Hello Everyone !
I have been working on a Space Center for my Lego City layout for a while and after 4 years most of it is complete. It has been was heavily inspired by the Kerbal Space Center, and my love of the game.
Here is some pics of the center !
It's not to minifigure scale and some buildings need improvement but I'm happy with it. I was lucky to live near to a Lego Store, where I found lots and lots of white pieces for a reasonable price. I got the Lego Saturn V after I designed the building so it couldn't fit in due to the gigantic size of the Saturn V, so let's say this VAB is at Kerbal scale. All the space themed sets i got through the years finely add to the space center
Overall view of the space center part in my city
The VAB and SPH
The Launch Control Center, with interior
The launchpad
The runway
Interior of the VAB
The Space Plane Hangar, I still need to finish th interior
Landing of the Discovery Space Shuttle
Crowd of people watching the launch
Astronauts training for their next mission
I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed building key elements of the game, fly safe !