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Everything posted by Trekkerjoe

  1. I have done several things. Today I landed a 40 ton mobile base on the Mun: It is so big, in fact, that I has it's own rover in the rear. I found an interesting exploit with these particular wheels. Quickly mashing 'A' and 'D' causes it to gain tremendous amounts of speed, and it cruises comfortably around 30-40 m/s. I love that thing. Last week I had done a multi-pronged Duna mission: I had launched a survey satellite, and then DR1 here, who is both responsible for transmitting massive amounts of data, and finding an ideal place for a manned base. He comes with all the reusable science modules, and a secondary fuel cell power supply for overnight operations. Will be chief scientist of the new base since he has the lay of the land. I also decided that it was not enough to simply tread the ground. I needed to fly. Really needed to fly. I had accepted a extremely difficult contract that required me to take a temperature survey in high-altitude flight above Duna. Should have read the fine print XD. So I made a slightly over-engineered duna plane: I couldn't get it to work on Kerbin, but I eventually realized that I had to test it on Duna. To my surprise, it flies exceptionally. In the lower atmosphere, it maneuvers almost like a regular plane would on Kerbin, and can sustain flight for long periods of time in the upper atmosphere. I was able to complete the contract easily. Then I turned my attention to Ike: I landed an ion powered probe on Ike and gathered a large amount of science. The two solar panels were not quite enough to support the four engines that far out, but it had a decent backup of power, and it turns out that I don't even need full thrust to take off. I managed to take it all the way back to Kerbin, where I recovered it with my claw vehicle. Next stop, a one-way trip to Gilly and Eve. Plan to land a few probes on the surface.
  2. Did not know that kerbals could do this. There were so many missions I reloaded because I didn't know this. Thank you for letting me know. I did consider the concept of replacing shattered solar panels, but besides having it use up ore, it might be too much to introduce an inventory system just for the engineers.
  3. I have managed to log 153 hours into this game. I am already setting up a mining operation, and besides the odd contract that required me to have engineers on a space station, I have only ever used them for mining efficiency. They do have a few useful skills, such as repacking parachutes, wheels, and landing legs; but I basically use them as filler. They need more utility, so here are a few abilities I wished they had: -The ability to repair the surface mounted solar panels. (Kerbals have a way of trampling them.) -The ability to manipulate the parts on a dead probe, like enabling a battery or toggling a solar panel. -The ability to make adjustments to parts that normally can only made in the editor, such as closing single use panels, or adjusting action groups, or changing the thrust of SRBs before they are fired. These three abilities could possibly fill the three empty levels and greatly increase the utility of engineers, however, It will have to be carefully balanced to prevent them from getting overpowered... Tell me what you think.
  4. Ah, this is interesting. I looked up the state in one of my saves. It appears that is part of the fairing's variables. If you had selected the docking port and followed The UID's to reach this, then (I think) the dock thinks it's connected to the fairing, and not the other port. I assume you searched in both directions for the docked state, which might mean my workaround wont apply. Nevertheless, my instructions were a bit vague, so I will hopefully get it right this time: 1 -Go in game and click disable crossfeed on both ports. Make sure these are the only ports with crossfeed disabled. 2 -Quicksave. If you name the quicksave you can skip step 3. 3 -Make a backup, just in case. 4 -Open in a text editor and search 'enableXfeed'. 5 -If the value is 'active = true' then you found your first docking port. 6 -Scroll up and you should see something like this: name = ModuleDockingNode isEnabled = True crossfeed = True stagingEnabled = False state = Docked (same vessel) dockUId = 3166665770 dockNodeIdx = 0 Scroll down and hope you see something like this: DOCKEDVESSEL { vesselName = [insert name here] vesselType = 6 rootUId = 382421102 } If you don't see this, then refer back to some other guide, as they go in-depth on how to reconstruct this part of the file. 7 -You want to write down the UIDs, just in case you need to relink the two ports. (Again, there are a lot of better guides for this.) 8 -If you see this: 'state = Docked (same vessel)' change it to this: ' state = Docked (docker) ' if the other port is 'Docked(dockee)' and vice versa. 9 -Repeat steps 4-8 one more time on the other port. 10- Go back through the ports and make sure that each dockUID actually leads to the other port, which is done by checking if the crossfeed state is enabled on that part. If it is not, then you will have to relink them. 11 -Save your work and load the quicksave. Hopefully this will work. If it messes anything up, even if you have a backup, I will take the guides down to avoid further mishaps.
  5. I wonder, did any of you have fairings on your ships? You'll understand why I ask in a moment. I am running the steam version of KSP on a 64-bit Windows 10 desktop, equipped with 32 gigabytes of RAM, and a GTX960. The CPU is an i7-6700K I have not only found a possible workaround, I came up with a reliable way to reproduce: Steps to reproduce: 1 -Build a small rover with an attachment point on the front. 2 -Attach a fairing, but don't create it just yet. 3 -Attach the dock to the base of the fairing. 4 -Create the fairing so that it overlaps the dock. 5 -Save(you should always save) and launch two of these craft. 6 -Dock them, quicksave, and observe what happens when you try to undock them. I tried this three times, and all three times they jammed together, even if you remove the fairings afterward. Below is an image of the bugged-out rovers. Here are the links to the .craft and the quicksave (post glitches): Undocking Glitch.craft , quicksave.sfs One thing to note, two other tests seem to indicate that if you jettison the fairings before (not after) docking, it will allow you to undock as normal. Also, I have found a workaround after my original encounter with this bug: 0 -Back up your save file, or create a named quicksave to work on. 1 -Disable crossfeed on the docking ports and quicksave. 2 -Use control-F to find the docking port you selected. It will have the state 'active = True' Under the tag 'EnableXFeed' 2b -Alternatively, you can search the name of the docked craft if the names are unique. 3 -Make note of it's UIDs. 4 -Follow the UIDs of the docking ports until you find the one with 'State = Docked (same vessel)' 5 -Change the state to 'Docked (docker)' 6 -Save your work and load up the quicksave. 7 -When you click undock, they should behave as normal. It is deceptively simple, but it worked for me. Hopefully it will work for you. Alternativley, you can reduce the chances of this happening by removing the fairings from any craft that can do without it. I have updated the bug tracker with this new information, but seeing that the link is already on this page, I don't feel the need to re-post it. I hope this helps.
  6. Hello, Trekkerjoe here. I am new to the forums but not new to the game. It was actually a bug with docking ports (don't worry, I fixed it) that got me here in the first place, but I won't get too far into that. I had been lurking quite a bit on the youtube community for this game. When I finally decided to buy it my learning curve was significantly smaller than I expected. Only 97 hours in (on the campaign) I am already beginning an operation to exploit the mun's resources. Earlier than that, I even got a probe to visit and return from duna. My strongest interests are robotics and AI. My secondary interests include, but are not limited to: gaming, designing things, and spaceflight. One question: I had tried to post something in the technical support forums, but I got no feedback at all. Is that normal? I would assume it has to do with the moderation tag looming over my textbox.
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