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  1. Does no one have an answer? I REALLY want to play KSP today, but I can't if the game won't let me run experiments!
  2. I'm having all kinds of problems with my newly launched space station. I've been trying to run experiments, if anything just to make sure they work, but I can't. The only options are to toggle displays, open doors, etc. A few of them I can't even click on! There isn't even the option to run them! Am I doing something wrong?
  3. Problem solved, and I feel like such an idiot. I used a landing can as the control unit for the station, so it was listed as a lander. I had to toggle those on to see it.
  4. In my KSP science save I had just launched the core of a would-be space station. I had it in a perfect 122 km equatorial orbit, and I went back to the space center. When I looked for it in the tracking station however, I couldn't see it, nor can I find it in map mode. However, it says there are 12 flights in progress which would indicate that it's still there. Has anyone ever had anything like this happen to them? Is there a way I can get to my space station again?
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