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  1. this is gonna soon turn into mun food pyramid city
  2. i\'ve seen planes like this. this is what most people start out with. ive made one, and each starter flies well.(SO DON'T QUESTION ME!! ROOOOAAAARR!!)
  3. im gonna use a kerbal as a cannon target MUAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. the vab is where u make rockets. don\'t mix it up with the launch pad
  5. neither did i. looks like a relatively stable plane.
  6. u know, u can build a more compact plane if u don\'t focus around delta wings so much. my folder has an atmospheric drop ship which drops my plane basically anywhere.
  7. last time i tried the corsair...*brrrrrrrr....* tht was NOT a successful attempt.
  8. yeah, i heard they beat the snot out of the soviets. 8)
  9. interesting... wasn\'t the sabre inplemented into the airforce at the end of WII?
  10. now all u need to do is add the weps and post pictures.
  11. mech jeb only available for 0.15 users
  12. this should be in the support forums
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