I have an issue where one of the items on my ship is apparently crashing into the ground (according to the log) 25 seconds after a successful liftoff. The ship immediately is subjected to thousands of gs and explodes, as if a structural part abruptly decelerated to zero. I found the part that's causing the bug, but when I delete it, I get the message "Part 4290288842 is Missing" when I go to launch, or load a variant of the craft without it. Note the part in question is a Modular Girder Adapter, and it's one of three on the craft (I can delete the other two without issue), it's not giving me the error when the part is on the craft, it's giving me the error when it's not (so it's not an issue of the part not being in the game folders). I'm guessing it's one of those cases where a part has 'attached' to the craft but isn't actually attached, and it's somehow about 2000 feet below the craft, and it's hitting the 'bottom' of the ground on the way up. When the Modular Girder Adapter is removed, perhaps the game can't find the link between the craft and this phantom part. Anyone else come across this or know of any way to 'clean up' a save file?
No mods, current version.
I think I've posted this in the wrong area, but I don't know how to move it or delete it, and I don't want to be spamming it all over the place.