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  1. Recently in ksp I have focused my exploration to the kerbin body. Overall I started to explore the oceans. (not much to explore) and the north pole. The thing about the north pole is that it is difficult to get to with large mass's Ex- my base. I have flied an orbital mission to land there but nothing other than that. The only way I can think of transporting the base there is to drive it there. Plz Help me and the KSP scientists
  2. Personally agree with completely, I always find out it is a waste of time trying to get empty orbiters and even small space stations to burn up or either land safely. So the solution would be to just leave them be and not really care only when traveling back from the mun and you run out of fuel when on target to crash into large empty space station. (already done)
  3. Please help me, I have achieved great things in ksp from space stations to mining bases on dres. The only thing left is to send a rover to duna. I already have a small exploration base there, but I want a rover to explore the north pole for future bases there. I have tried many designs but all seem to have there own problems. Please help me because Jeb's life depends on it.
  4. I was planning on building a ground base.
  5. I want to build a base for exploration but don't know where to go please help.
  6. I don,t know of anything other than the face that you can see from orbit I am developing a program for under water exploration (WET) water exploration tech. It is very difficult because water is still a bit buggy. I will keep posting when the program takes off. PS. Nuclear Sub set for north pole underway.
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