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    "Weally big" aircraft "Flyer"
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  1. I managed to get much bigger (Like, huge) and more kerbal-y-er engine to work, then screwed it up trying to downscale it and its that basic "Make a box, put a bearing in it, done" shape, so nothing special yet
  2. maybe if you used little wings for the blades, maybe. what squad has done is that they have removed med fire links from pages (Or just removed media fire .com) To fix, just put the links there in the box, and put the part that has been removed back in manually, its fairly easy @sgt_flyer What i found was that the engines dont work because of 2 things: 1. the outer shell (or fairing) keeps blocking it, making it break apart 2. the actual blade thing isn't being prevented from coming out of its housing, meaning you have to find a new way to do that. (ill upload a video of this when i do)
  3. I know how to fix the links, the thing is, you have to do this everytime Because of the no longer allowed ITAR REDACTED links, simply type in ITAR REDACTED after the www. This will get you to the site Close off the ads and you can download it Am i violating rules doing this? EDIT: Itar redacted.... google time You know what to type if u been on it b4
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