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Everything posted by Watzlawick

  1. no, it makes it unplayable at the Moment... but the worst thin is: If you leave your ship (for landing on the moon for example), and then re-rendevouz in Orbit and want to go back to the mothership... that mothership spins, which makes it impossible to get back into the capsule
  2. just make an US account - I will do it now
  3. I have a similar Problem: I did a Tourist Mission and accomplished every step: brought them subortbital to Kerbal, orbital to Kerbal, and landed them safetly - and of course recovered the vessel. The Mission is still active, although every Mission step is shown as "complete". The tourists are nowhere Maybe I have to say, that it was only one part of a larger Minmus Mission (the tourists where only in the part that orbited to Kerbin... so I orbited, detached, brought them back, and then went further with the other part of the spaceship to fly to Minmus,
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